View Full Version : 6th Form Flying Scolarships

7th Nov 2000, 23:06
I'm doing my last yr. of my GCSE's and i'm looking to apply for a flying scolarship during my time at the 6th form.
Does anybody know the deadline which I have to apply by? I'm in the UK if the deadlines are differnt for each country.

8th Nov 2000, 02:06

I am pretty sure that you have, in fact, missed the deadline for this year.

However, that is from memory - and it would be very advisable to get in touch with your nearest RAF careers service as soon as possible to enquire. If you have missed it, don't panic. You will be able to apply the next time around.

I speak from experience when I tell you that an RAF flying scholarship is just about the best oppurtunity open to people our age - don't let it pass you by!

BTW, don't confuse the flying scholarship and the 6th form scholarship by treating them as one. They are very different awards - and have very different obligations at the end!

Good luck, and keep us informed!


PS: I'm going to bring this thread to the attention of my good friend Rusty Cessna - I think he may be able to help more than I can...

Edited for SPG!

[This message has been edited by TPuk (edited 07 November 2000).]

Rusty Cessna
8th Nov 2000, 03:15

First of all good luck. As TPuk says, the Flying Scholarship and VI Form Scholarships are very different, a brief synopsis:

Flying Scholarship- 20 hours free flying at one of a few schools around the country. Takes you up to around solo stage in the JAA PPL course. This scholarship has NO deadline in terms of time, Boards run throughout the year. I too thought there was a deadline, but I received a very welcomed phone call, saying that there is not a limit, and I have my board soon! Another big factor is there is NO commitment to join the RAF when you are eligible to do so.

VI Form Scholarship- £1050 annually, for a maximum of two years and this scholarship DOES have a deadline. I believe this year it was around the end of June time, BUT, don't fret, you can, like I hope to, apply for one year, and it still counts for as much. Also be aware, if you receive this scholarship then there are big implications at the end. The rules state (and sorry for the moderate legalise):

"Upon receipt of a VI form scholarship, the successful applicant must fulfil his/her application to join the R.A.F for their limited return to service" (Time that is compulsory in the RAF before you can leave should you wish to). "The applicant will have to return the monetary scholarship if they do not initiate this application".

What this basically means is, you can keep the money if you apply to join, but don't get in for some reason beyond you mortal control! Such as Asthma, in my case. But if you don't want to join the RAF you have to return the money.

Bear in mind that the R.A.F will offer you the best training there is, and will pay for your ATPL when you leave, and in the mean time you get to have some of the best flying going! And of course, the same goes for the Navy and the AAC. As TP very rightly says, these are some of the best opportunities around for us youngsters, and I wish you all the best in attaining these prestigious awards.

To close, go for it, give it all you got (and revise a lot of Current Affairs) and listen to people like TPuk! If I am wrong of some facts, please correct me people!

Happy flying,

Dan Dare
8th Nov 2000, 22:55
The Air League also provide a number of Flying Scholarships and bursaries each year. I think that this years have been done, but worth a shot next year!

Look at http://www.airleague.co.uk/ for details.


8th Nov 2000, 23:01
Thanks a lot for all of this info!
Well, the first 'flying scholarship' sounds the better one for me. If there's any more detailed info that would be of use to me I'd be very greatful, if you don't mind, if you could email me?
I'm a member of the ATC, and i beleive if I apply for the VI form scolarships there's a cut in the amount of money which i'd have to put forward. Is this true?
Again, thanks for all of your help!

8th Nov 2000, 23:10
Flying scholarships are very soon to be cancelled permanently. Get your application in asap, however I think that if you are under 16 by this December, you will have missed it forever unfortunately. I do not know the fate of the Sixth form scholarship, but I believe it has suffered in a similar way.

8th Nov 2000, 23:41
Arggh! That's really bad news. Ok, thanks for letting me know.

9th Nov 2000, 02:44
Errrr, Ian,

The idea of the 6th form scholarship is that THEY pay YOU - not the other way around!

You will incur no expenses after being awarded the scholarship other than your journey to and from the flying school.

Regardless of you being an air cadet or not, you are awarded £1050 p.a. - just like Rusty said.

If you are an air cadet then your squadron CO will have loads of information on the scholarships available.

I wasn't an air cadet when I was awarded my scholarship - however, I was the only "non-cadet" on my course of ten people. I am sure that they (quite rightly) prefer to give the award to cadets over civilians, as being in the ATC shows a much higher level of commitment to the RAF initially.


9th Nov 2000, 03:20
Oops! That's just me not concentrating!! I'll have to READ more instead of just looking at it. I have a lot to learn about scolarships!
Thanks again,