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View Full Version : Alternate minimums not published.

Current B737 Driver
19th Jul 2011, 18:32
A question regarding whether or not an airport can be used for an alternate airport if there are no visibility and ceiling requirements published for that airport. I am under the impression that it can be used as an alternate airport and standard alternate minimums would apply i.e. 2 & 800 or 2 & 600. :confused:

19th Jul 2011, 18:38
You can't use an airport without weather reporting as an alt...because you can't plan for the weather at your alt - ergo...no published mins at the alt mean no weather reporting.

20th Jul 2011, 04:45
No published minimas means company or state minimas for the type of approach.

20th Jul 2011, 18:21
What company? Some of us hop into planes because we make the decisions, not as some robot being told what do do.

galaxy flyer
20th Jul 2011, 19:24

I take you have been issued an exemption from FAR 91, including FAR 91.703, ICAO Annex 6 and any US bilateral agreements regarding aviation. If so, are you required to issue a NOTAM informing of other users of the airspace?


20th Jul 2011, 22:19
You would need to have a custom procedure approved to be able to use that as an alternate. I believe something like CP's private field Kuparuk may be an example.

I am curious, assuming you are flying the 737, where are you looking that the alternate has no posted mins?

20th Jul 2011, 23:26
A little correction: You can indeed use an airport without weather reporting as an alternate. However, you will then need an additional alternate airport, so 2 alternates total.

cosmo kramer
21st Jul 2011, 14:23
Let's separate company procedures from the law.

In case I rent a Cessna and file an IFR plan, I would have no problem filing an airport with no instrument approaches at all as alternate. Provided forecasted cloud base is above grid mora and VMC conditions +/- 1 hours to expected arrival.

21st Jul 2011, 16:29
Judging by his responses in other threads, I believe that Theficklefinger has a blanket waiver for ALL FAR's...........


22nd Jul 2011, 02:04
If you don't have weather reporting at your alternate...what are you going to base your Alt mins on? Stick your finger up in the air, take a guess?

Seriously guys....just stick with what your told to do, leave the decisions to the rest of us.

Pub User
22nd Jul 2011, 21:13
All aviators are told what to do. Some have more responsibility than others of course.