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View Full Version : Pilot Shirts

3rd Jul 2001, 17:36
Joined a company where we have to buy our own shirts!! Anyone know where to get some shirts at a reasonable price?

3rd Jul 2001, 20:09
.....try the search option.....this was discussed in length a few months back.

OK, I'll let you be lazy! The link is below:


[This message has been edited by Barney (edited 03 July 2001).]

5th Jul 2001, 13:46
Your lucky day mate.

I have a number.... I mean a number!!

My wife and kids want them out so they can get into the house.

State your size, and if ok ,your problem is solved until retirement.

Pssss..... I also have a number of uniform shoes, two colours very cheap, no charge for looking!!

We will do the drill according to the amendments to the amendments I er think?

5th Jul 2001, 19:24
Anyone have a tel number for Fraizzoli Uniformi in Italy? I hear they make good shirts at a decent price. Can't find a listing for them......



5th Jul 2001, 20:26
Mine are free... and French!!
Got some cream ones ex Zambian Airforce and a Green Uniform, even the house boy rejected that one.

We will do the drill according to the amendments to the amendments I er think?

6th Jul 2001, 17:29
Popgun, here's their website:

6th Jul 2001, 22:43
Bloody hell, buy your own shirts - whatever next.........
Which firm is this?

'Keep the Stress Down'

10th Jul 2001, 06:07
Hey thanks Nightstop......We do get given uniforms at my outfit but the quality is such cr*p that it itches my skin! Since I'm in the damn things such a long-time i figure its worth shelling out for something i can sit still in!!!

PG :)