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View Full Version : Frankfurt departure routings

3rd Jul 2001, 10:21
Does anybody know if the departure routings out of Frankfurt have changed?

I live in a small town between Mainz and Wiesbaden and over the past few weeks, I have noticed a large increase on the number of 747's, 777's and other heavy types over-flying Mainz.

Is this something to do with the planned new runway?

4th Jul 2001, 00:56
Yes, they have changed very much.

Westbound flights all went via Bad Schwalbach before (remember those A340 turning over Wiesbaden city?).

Now northbound go via Wiesbadener Kreuz and then turn via Niedernhausen/Oberjosbach to the North/Northwest.
Flights to the West go via Biebrich/Mainz almost exactly over the Rhine via the Rheingau.
They should have an altitude of at least ca 3500ft (900m agl) over WI (heavy A340 or 747-200). - You´ve probably been seeing those.

Die verteilen die Abflüge jetzt komplett anders als vorher - wohl auch um den Lärm etwas anders zu verteilen - vermutlich auch wegen der "Nordbahngegner".
Es gibt dazu auch ne Website mit den neuen Routen auf eine Stassenkarte projeziert.(von den Leuten im Hochtaunus)
Die Adresse hab ich leider nicht mehr.

[This message has been edited by wonderbusdriver (edited 03 July 2001).]

4th Jul 2001, 11:11
Vielen Dank wonderbusdriver.

Yes, I reckon that explains it. Fortunately, from my point of view the noise is not too bad. Those 747-200's do scream a bit though!

Die Webaddressen sind:

www.kelkheim-fluglaerm.de (http://www.kelkheim-fluglaerm.de) und
www.fluglaerm-taunus.de (http://www.fluglaerm-taunus.de)