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View Full Version : Part Time summer jobs in North Wales

2nd Jul 2001, 03:18
Hey guys and girls
I've just done my GCSE's and I too am looking for a summer job but this time in the North Wales area preferably near to Wrexham and Mold.
I'll do anything aslong as it's aviation related to get experience for the future.

Another question whilst i'm here, is anyone going to the Flyer senimar on the 14th July?? I may see you there :) :) :)


[This message has been edited by Ian_Wannabe (edited 01 July 2001).]

2nd Jul 2001, 04:08
Tell me about the Flyer seminar! Is it too late to get onto it, or is it worth investing in a copy of Flyer?

(Sorry - I don't have a job. No really - I literally don't have a job! Just been told I'm 'no longer in the budget' Grrrrrrr!)

2nd Jul 2001, 23:50
Hey mate!

lol, that's no probs about the job ;)

Yup... I don't think you have to have an invertation, you just pay at the door.
It's £5 for children (under 16) and £8 for adults.

Check out... www.flyer.co.uk (http://www.flyer.co.uk)
then goto the Flyer news and all the information about the senmar will be there!!

Hope to see you there ;)

If it ain't got wings, I don't wanna know