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10th Jul 2011, 21:09
I just got back from my latest lesson, and I want to say, that, perhaps, almost, one day, I may even be able to fly!

I'm still very early on in the process, and have spent the last few lessons doing circuits. Each lesson had felt like a complete flood of information, and I've certainly had times where I just thought perhaps I should pack it all in, as I am obviously not able to get it (all this, after only 4 hours of circuits).

And then today, things just started to make sense. We were taking off, slightly crosswind, and once in the air, I was tending to head off to the left. Not a great idea as there are power lines, and actually as soon as you take off, you have to bank right about 20-30 degrees so you can gain height before crossing them.

Anyway, it just started to make sense. Apply power....rudder to the right to keep central on the airstrip....let the speed build....gently pull back on the stick....as the nosewheel comes up, a little more right rudder....level off a bit to build up speed...bank....

And suddenly, instead of it being a complete riot of actions that I just couldnt get, it clicked!

I did two more take offs after that, and again, they went really well. Looked at the gps track of it after (I track it so I can review after, a great help) and sure enough, all three takeoffs follow the same, correct path, no turn to the left at all.

And even landing started to make a bit more sense (still a lot of work to do there!). But I just want to say wooohhooooo!

However, the best bit of it all was in the circuit, when the instructor wanted to check something, so leaned down to get the log book.

"hold on" i think.."if he has the log book, and is holding it and flicking through, then....that means I am flying all by myself....and even more, he trusts me to without his hand hovering over the stick!"

Today, I can absolutely say, with total confidence, was a GREAT DAY.

And now..just another few hours and perhaps I can get us down as well as up :-)

10th Jul 2011, 21:20
Good to hear. I, personally, learnt to fly in about 30 mins. It just so happens that it took 20 hours of lessons to get there.

What are you experiencing is quite usual, but what a great feeling. Compared to the numbers of humans that have ever lived on this planet, compared to those that ever learnt how to fly, you/we are pretty unique!

Happy flying!

HowlingMad Murdock
10th Jul 2011, 22:12
IanPZ - Sounds like you are well on your way - Fantastic! All the best:)

10th Jul 2011, 22:35
Thanks for that wonderfull post.
I can tell you that..............

It only gets better.

10th Jul 2011, 23:05
Congrats IanPZ, keep it flying!

I Had a similar experience with my landings after 3-4hrs circuit-training :ok:

11th Jul 2011, 03:36
One of those special lessons where you realise you CAN fly that damned contraption. :} Congratulations!

11th Jul 2011, 07:49
A happy thread... on PPRuNe?:eek:

Well done, it does just keep getting better and better!

11th Jul 2011, 08:05

Great post ! Let us all know when you have gone solo.

Of course you realize that once you get your PPL, you will be forever broke !!

It's all worth it though !

Good luck,


11th Jul 2011, 14:03
A really huge step forward in my training was a hand held video that I shot of my instructor (his suggestion) flying "a perfect circuit" and I watched it for days.

Next trip to the airfield I was solo.

11th Jul 2011, 14:10
Good for the instructor Ian. I wonder if he was really looking for something or trying a little trick to give you more confidence ;-)

Good luck mate, I'm sure you'll make it !

11th Jul 2011, 15:17
Thanks for all the positive feedback. All I can say is........


I Love Flying
11th Jul 2011, 15:31

You'd better believe it! It WILL happen one day, just keep plugging away and one day it will all come together. Best feeling in the world!:ok:

Dave Barnshaw
11th Jul 2011, 16:45
Well done,I am just on my eighth hour of curcuit bashing,all going well but for a big improvement needed on my landings and nav,but as you say,you struggle on a few things then-hey presto-it all starts to make sense,great fun.

11th Jul 2011, 19:38
Pompey Paul,

Compared to the numbers of humans that have ever lived on this planet, compared to those that ever learnt how to fly, you/we are pretty unique!

Agree you are in a very small minority, however you are not unique: more than one person has learnt to fly. Unique means, only one........


11th Jul 2011, 20:32
IanPZ - congratulations chap!! We all get there sooner or later and it doesn't really matter how long it takes, so don't put pressure on yourself. Flying is one of the most satisfying experiences you're ever likely to have :ok:

however you are not unique: more than one person has learnt to fly. Unique means, only one........
You need to get out more mate...

11th Jul 2011, 22:05
IanPZ, yep ... one day, it clicks. And it's clicked for you :ok: What a wonderful boost to your confidence when you see your instructor fiddling with stuff rather than making control inputs.

Going solo is, on the one hand, an experience you'll never forget and on which you will dine out for years .... on the other hand, it ain't no big deal (for the pedants, I know that's a double negative but I call on literary licence). If you trust your instructor, then trust his decision that you're ready for solo.

When you're up there, you are the captain ... any decisions you make are yours to make ... so, if you're not comfortable with your approach, go around. Even if you are happy with your approach, you could go around anyway. :D Your instructor won't know any different. These are the thought processes that went through my tiny brain on my first solo ...

Well all have different strengths and weaknesses in flying and you may well find that there are some aspects to flying that you find relatively straightforward which others may find hard.

Good luck, well done and when you've got your licence (that's WHEN, not IF), the world will be your oyster.



P.S ... Whilst I appreciate all aspects of pedantry, and the quote was "pretty unique" (and we can't have degrees of uniqueness anymore than we can have degrees of pregnancy), it's fair to say that us pilots are a very small subset of society; a subset of which we should be proud.

11th Jul 2011, 22:37
Thanks for all the comments.

Right now I can't even think about solo. All I can think about is the feeling this Sunday when I suddenly thought "damn, I can take off!"

I've had a couple of moments like this:

- The first time my instructor deep a steep turn and I didn't start scrambling to hold on to something
- The first time I chatted to my instructor on the way back to the airfield, and realised that I'd managed to hold a course, speed and altitude no problem, whilst still being able to talk!
- The first time we came in for a landing and I didn't think "Arghhhhh, we are going to crash"

This was just one more.

The great thing is that I am loving learning so much, that I don't really care how long it takes. There are moments when I get down cos I want it to go faster. That's mostly frustration with myself for not getting it. I am sure if I was 20 years younger, I would. But....and this is a big but....I love every lesson, and I would almost (I did say almost) be happy just to learn, and not care about passing.

That is, until I see things like Balleka's videos on Youtube, and then I get sooooo jealous.

Now, fingers crossed for next Sunday, and see whether I can do it again! IPZ

11th Jul 2011, 22:54
Right now I can't even think about soloDon't think about it ... that's your instructor's job ;) What will happen is a lesson of circuits and bumps when, out of the blue, your instructor will say, "OK, Ian PZ, I'm getting out, you can do this. I'll be in the tower if you need me".

I'd managed to hold a course, speed and altitude no problem, whilst still being able to talk!Aviate, navigate, communicate ... sounds like you managed it. :ok:

The important thing is, that it's fun ...

