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30th Jun 2011, 15:49
Hi guys,

I know there are some interconnections between clock and wing tip brakes on Airbus, but I'm not able anymore to find them on manuals.

Do you have any idea?

Thanks in advance


30th Jun 2011, 16:57
Wingtip brk must be checked within every 10 days. this 10 day cycle (resets everytime the check is performed) is provided by the clock.

30th Jun 2011, 17:00
Actually, I think this has disappeared from the FCOM's because it is no longer the case. I believe a software update has removed this flaw.

30th Jun 2011, 17:23
Thanks very much for you replay.
Where did you find this information in Airbus library?


30th Jun 2011, 19:29
you wont find it in the FCOMs. Check the AFM. not sure, but it might be in there. Its for sure in the maintenance guide. Engineer told me about it.

Good luck.

Dream Land
1st Jul 2011, 10:01
One of my previous Airbus gurus told me about one of the aircrafts internal clock battery was not working, so each time they would wake up the the airplane the WTB's would be engaged, apparently since the airplane didn't know when the last inspection had been complied with, just a story I heard.

1st Jul 2011, 17:19
This is written in my company SOPs (cockpit prep)


– Check time, and adjust if necessary; elapsed time at zero, chrono at zero.

Note: If the clock is readjusted for a value above ten days, maintenance must perform the Wing Tip Brake engagement test

compressor stall
1st Jul 2011, 23:44
Just checked the AMM on our 7yo fleet and couldn't find reference to it.

4th Jul 2011, 08:28
Hi guys,

after some days of researches I found out something on cockpit preparation and on mel section 2.
thanks everybody for your answers


Dan Winterland
5th Jul 2011, 05:19
Removed from our manulas about four years ago after a fleet update.

5th Jul 2011, 09:19
I recently collected an A340 from a paint input, approx 12 days, the batteries were disconnected prior to the input and reconnected at the end and the clock was reset to the correct time/date. Prior to dispatching I noticed the ECAM message WTB engaged carry out test (or something along those lines) had to do SFCC WTB engagement test on flap & slats to clear the message, so it's still there on the 340

5th Jul 2011, 09:26
Remember: Even a stopped clock will give you the correct time once a day. :ok:

5th Jul 2011, 11:52
twice a day actually ;)

compressor stall
5th Jul 2011, 13:23
Not the Airbus clock. It's 24 hour, so it's only right once a day. :ouch: