View Full Version : English language proficiency on your licence

15th Jun 2011, 17:17
I have a question about native English speakers how to prove you actually are a native speaker.
On my licence in the remarks section, it says

"Language Proficiency : English

No Further Entries"

However it doesn't give a rating...i.e. Level 4-6 as it would if you did an English test recently.

A prospective employer wants to know my English level, I don't know what to tell them!

I've tried reading ICAO Annex 1 paragraph, XIII and Article 39 b) of the Chicago Convention but I'm no lawyer so it's all a muddle to me!:ugh:

Thanks for any help you can give me

15th Jun 2011, 21:42
The info above is right, you have no level written as you have the automatic grandfather rights which allows you to be level 4. This automatic right expired on March 5th this year by which point your current employer, or you independently, should take the formal test approved by your national CAA. The UK CAA has approved a couple of tests so far. Sometimes level 6 can be confirmed (in an informal conversation, not formally tested) at Sim Checks in the UK. However if there is any doubt of level 6 by the instructor, you will be referred back to a formal test centre to ascertain if you are indeed level 6. Hope that helps.

16th Jun 2011, 10:04
hmmm, interesting. Thanks for the info.:ok: