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8th Jun 2011, 22:53
I have the Pooley's manual which is the one everyone seems to recommend but also got a copy of one of OAA's books, and it actually overloaded me with too much & complicated info. Has anyone found this as well?

8th Jun 2011, 23:06
You have basically two choices for PPL material. One is Trevor Thom, which is wordy and very complete. Jeremy Pratt has more diagrams and is in a less "dense" style. It's personal preference which you prefer - I preferred the Thom for example.

The OAA CBT are quite good, but expensive. And find a copy of the PPL Confuser - it is very useful for the exams for example questions.

As an aside, you need Air Law to solo (not a legal, but usually a club requirment) but it's just a memory job, Human Performance is very straight forward, and Nav is far easier once you've started cross countries with your instructor.

It can be information overload in the early stages, but the PPL itself is a licence to learn, and you'll likely learn more post PPL than you will in the course itself (especially in a practical "I want to go here" sense), just one of those things! :)

9th Jun 2011, 11:10
You have to find the balance between learning the important points on the syllabus and learning the answers to the questions.

A lot of people know the answers to the specific questions, but when you probe their knowledge you find the foundation is missing.

The OAA's books may be overwhelming at first, but the more you know the better, you never know when one day that little bit of extra knowledge could help you out.

In terms of answering the questions, the PPL Confuser is years out of date, the PPL perfecter is the best way to go.

10th Jun 2011, 11:54
Thanks for the replies folks - just another quick question: where do I get the ppl perfector? Is it a Pooleys or a AFE book?


10th Jun 2011, 12:09

it's all down to your own personal style of learning.

For me, I use a combination of Trevor Thom/Air Pilot's Manuals, and CBT's... If I just read I get a bit bored so I mix reading (Books) with interactive learning (CBTs).

All the best with your studying and flying.

10th Jun 2011, 12:12
Buy the books on eBay (I liked Thom, too) then sell them back again when you've passed the exam.

PPL Confuser is good, I found that airquiz.com was even better.

Good luck.

13th Sep 2011, 15:42
Aircraft Performance is often overlooked.

RV Davies Book was once the Bench Mark text before Pete Swatton worte his.

For around £3 its always worth a look.

R.V Davies | eBay (http://www.ebay.co.uk/sch/i.html?_nkw=R.V+Davies&_trkparms=65%253A2%257C66%253A2%257C39%253A1&rt=nc&_dmpt=Non_Fiction&_sc=1&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14&_sop=15&_sc=1)