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View Full Version : Escape Routes

New on NG
6th Jun 2011, 01:47
I am looking for escape routes in a flight from SBGR to SEQU.

Can anyone by any chance help me with this search?

I have tried every website, even virtual aviation but without luck.

Thanks in advance!!

6th Jun 2011, 10:12
Sounds like a equipment-specific performance and engineering exercise.

6th Jun 2011, 13:54
Contact Jeppesen:


New on NG
6th Jun 2011, 18:38
Thanks , i will do this right away.

Best regards!!!

7th Jun 2011, 01:05

It is highly unlike Jeppesen did anything other than make a tailored chart of procedures designed by your company's engineering and performance department.

galaxy flyer
7th Jun 2011, 01:34
Jeppesen OpsData does performance and OEI data and charts, used them in the USAF. Also, Aero Performance Group from Castle Rock, CO. www.apg.aero


Atlas Shrugged
7th Jun 2011, 03:28
admin (http://www.planningcharts.de/)

7th Jun 2011, 06:11
APG will be the quickest way; Jeppesen do a great job but they don't turn work around as fast.