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View Full Version : Hours VS Age VS Country

Sir Lunchalott
27th Jul 2001, 04:55
Sitting in the crew room the other day the subject of experience versus age arose. If we disregard the fact that some spend time in military, start later in life etc I thought it would be interesting to see some comparisons on a worldwide scale.
Suggest the following could be included:
1. Age
2. Total hours
3. Country/region working in
4. Average hours per year
5. Type of operation

Or any other info related

Me: 28yo, 7000hrs, Auz, 600/annum, airline.

Blue sky dreaming........ :D :p :)

Flying Clog
27th Jul 2001, 18:25
22 years old, 2300 hours, United Kingdom, 500 hours per year, airline