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25th Mar 2001, 02:36
If you are told by ATC in Europe, "resume own navigation" does that mean radar vectoring terminated or surveillance radar approach terminated. I would personally say radar vectoring terminated, but the answer on the paper says the other. Am I right or wrong?


25th Mar 2001, 03:30
Not entirely sure I understand what you mean.

If you are put on a radar heading by an ATC unit, and then subsequently told "resume own navigation", that would mean you resume the flightplan portion of the sector you would otherwise be on if the radar vector had not taken place. In reality this means either resume the airway and fly to the next obvious waypoint, or if cleared fly direct to the next waypoint.

A surveillance radar approach (SRA) is an entirely different thing. If an SRA were terminated without a visual approach and landing being possible, I would have thought it was compulsory to fly a missed approach and utilise a different type of approach. It would be most unusual ( except in the case of equipment or human failure) to be told to "resume own navigation" on an SRA ?

The term certainly means radar vectoring has been terminated, but it really doesn't make a lot of sense in the second example.

25th Mar 2001, 12:38
It is a JAR ATPL exam question. It read exactly like this:

An ATC intstruction to "RESUME OWN NAVIGATION" implies:

a. Approach completed
b. Termination of radar vectoring
c. termination of surveillance radar approach
d. missed approach to be conducted visually/go around

The school I went to say the answer is c , but Im convinced its b. So I thought I would ask here to hear your opinons.



25th Mar 2001, 13:34
I've seen a variation of this ATPL question:-

Upon intercepting the assigned radial, the Controller advises you that you are on the Airway and to "resume own navigation". This means:-

a. radar services are terminated and you are responsible for position reports

b. you are still in radar contact but must make position reports

c. you are to assume responsibility for your own navigation

d. you are to contact the relavant ATC centre at the next reporting point

The answer is given as c., but I don't know whether that's right or wrong - it sounds right.

Sorry I can't help with your specific query.

25th Mar 2001, 21:53
The answer had better be "b", radar vectoring terminated, resume own navigation. If it's not, I've been very illegal these last twenty years. If you are on a Surveillence Approach the correct terminology is (I believe). "Radar Approach Terminated, continue visually or carry out missed approach procedure"

28th Mar 2001, 07:05
Totally with Herod on this one -- on a SRA "resume own navigation" is *not* standard RT.

So LGL737, I wonder what school that is, because I'm convinced it's answer B as well.

stator vane
31st Mar 2001, 03:58
where do they get these bozo's who make the test questions and then choose the answers!!!!!

they grade us, but who grades them??

i purchased PPS books for the ATP and many of the questions are absurd!!!

in real life, i've only heard it after a vector, where it would mean get yourself direct to the fix they tell you to go to.
if they want you back on the airway or a certain radial, they will tell you the airway or radial to get onto.

good luck. we all need it.

31st Mar 2001, 05:42
As far as I remember from ATPL theory (before JAA), the controller has to to tell you where you are and where to go when saying resume own navigation.

I don't know if this is the reason the answer could be C - because it's not specifically stated that the controller has given further directions?

Glad I avoided those TIC-TAC exams.