View Full Version : what to say? suck up?

29th Oct 2000, 15:45
I am an A level student studying bio, chem, philosophy and psychology. I have done work experience with Bae and KLM. I am wondering what to write on an airline sponsorship form and what to say if called for an interview. Please help!

Mac the Knife
29th Oct 2000, 19:55
Same as for most jobs I'd suppose. Don't be boring, don't sound too manic, sound interested and interesting, be honest, be yourself (unless you're a secret axe-murderer) and tell the truth.

Not very helpful I know.....

PS: No, don't suck up - I think that most people detect it and dislike it.

Ooops...forgot something. BE INFORMED!

[This message has been edited by Mac the Knife (edited 29 October 2000).]

Big Red ' L '
29th Oct 2000, 20:04
Have a look at the Wannabies section. Look at the interview section at the bottom. You will find some useful things on this forum.
Good luck....

Its not the fall that kills you...Its the sudden stop.....

29th Oct 2000, 20:07
The last thing the intervieww board want to hear is you telling them what their company isn't. Tell them why their company can be good for you, and be yourself and be honest. The board are not stupid, so if you try and bu115h!t them, they will tear you apart.
Remember, they are looking for someone that they can sit next to on a flightdeck for hours on end, and not want to strangle before landing.

29th Oct 2000, 20:21
If you are a serial axe murderer it might be helpful to admit it to the board...

...As long as you also admit to knowing where they live! :)

If that fails, then you'll just have to fall back on being a normal, reasonable & likeable sort of person.

31st Oct 2000, 01:12
Thanks for your help... I am abit concerned though about the on running axe murderer theme.....i am curious as to how you have found out about my secret habits....(joke!)