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View Full Version : Weapons smuggling! Lufthansa pilot arrested at the airport - 12APR11

14th Apr 2011, 12:35
Waffenschmuggel! Lufthansa-Pilot festgenommen - Frankfurt - Bild.de (http://www.bild.de/regional/frankfurt/waffenschmuggel/lufthansa-pilot-festgenommen-17377004.bild.htm)

translation from/with google translator
FRA Airport - It is an incredible safety scandal that should not go "under any circumstances" to the public! Customs officials were at the airport arrested a Lufthansa pilot - for weapons trafficking!
10.30 clock, flight LH 457 landing after 11-hour from Los Angeles. By bus attendants and pilots are brought to Terminal 1B.

There, waiting customs control - and nailed ! Sample of control! in the luggage of Ingo K. (30, "First Officer"), the investigators will find it: He has two deadly precision slingshots in his luggage, including almost 300 shots ammunition.

An investigator: "Particularly hazardous items which are strictly prohibited under the Arms Act! With the spin you can kill people 100 meters away. "

Ingo K. is arrested, the public prosecution office involved - he faces up to 3 years in prison

Acc BILD this information of the case leads to huge problems with the U.S. authorities: The Americans are outraged that the co-pilot used his position of trust, the weapons illegally smuggled in LA over the high-security tarmac.

Customs spokesman Andreas Urbaniak: "We find in violation of Arms Act and the Aviation Security Act."

14th Apr 2011, 13:06
And "Bild" is the only source for that information, however every other newspaper copied it. No confirmation from any side if there is anything to that story as "Bild" is not really a reputable information source.

17th Apr 2011, 08:26
I appreciate the "professional" kit is rather effective, but slightly OTT, as it reads....

Rolf Harris would never get thru customs either...( some say, GOOD).

Are these included under NATO's needs, the latest "smart" weapons for Lybia.....


17th Apr 2011, 16:43
Actually in reality, sling shots with wrist braces are illegal in Germany. They are readily available in the UK and the US. So are the little ball bearings which make such fabulous dents, of secret delivery from the shotgun seat, in the cars of those who weave in and out of the big city rush hour traffic.