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5th Apr 2011, 11:42
As a former employee of a global company providing helicopter services to the offshore oil and gas industry, I feel it is my responsibility to bring to the attention of the wider aviation community a very worrying "initiative" this company has introduced - forcing engineers/technicians to wear helmets while working on the A/C. Now this might sound like a good idea, but in fact it is an extremely dangerous thing to have in the workplace. As we are all aware, one of the most significant contributors to maintenance errors is distractions, and the wearing of helmets is a major distraction. They significantly limit the engineers/technicians access when carrying out inspections, they cause a significant discomfort - headaches etc (distraction), they are ill fitting (distraction), they cause heat stress in hot & humid environments (distraction) etc etc. On top of all this, they are (engineers/technicians) are constantly threatened with there jobs if they remove there helmets.
In my opinion all this is a serious safety concern and the wearing of helmets by engineering/maintenance staff should be prevented and/or removed from the aviation industry before its too late!

Piltdown Man
5th Apr 2011, 21:10
This is a real health and safety issue for your union to sort out. I presume you have also filled in the appropriate paperwork and expressed your doubts in writing to the un-educated for whom you work. Firing off a CHIRP form may also help.


Also, don't eat peanuts, play with alligators or matches and definitely don't drink any petrol or bleach.

5th Apr 2011, 22:22
I no longer work for the company in question, but yes, the guys did there own risk assessments, many letters were sent and a great deal of 'discussion' with management and they (management) have ignored all concerns raised. The helmets were introduced as a knee-jerk reaction after a maintainer fell off the bottom step of a stand (which he was not using correctly-didn't apply the brakes) and sustained a head injury.

I would like to let as many people know of the dangers involved with wearing helmets in an attempt to prevent other companies following suit, it is extremely dangerous and is directly affecting the ability of maintenance personnel to unsure inspections are carried out correctly and thoroughly.

Saint Jack
6th Apr 2011, 03:47
I remember many, many years ago that British Airways at Heathrow required their hangar personnel to wear helmets after rash of head-related injuries, so this is not a new concept. However, if the engineers/technicians of your former company are concerned about their abilitiy to carry out inspections thoroughly while wearing helmets (I'm assuming here that we're talking about conventional hard-hats as used in the offshote industry etc.) then why not try the type of helmet that do not have brims and peaks, the type that rock-climbers favour. these will allow the wearer to maintain his/her peripheral vision while still having head protection.

6th Apr 2011, 19:15
Maybe the company should consider these....
