View Full Version : Log Book Hours

24th Mar 2011, 06:45
Have had the question put forward to me today but I am unsure of the answer.

I guy within the company that I work for asked me today should the CP be checking out logbooks each month against company records then certifying these hours as being true & correct
Is this a legal requirement?

Does anyone know the answer?

24th Mar 2011, 09:46
I don't think its a "legal" requirement however it is the CP's best interest to do so as a CASA audit will include a check on these records.

24th Mar 2011, 10:04
It would certainly expose false flying hours if they had been logged and where pertinent, false instrument flight time hours. I don't know about now, but for many years it was a requirement for all RAAF pilots to have their hours audited every six months. But then it was unthinkable that any RAAF aircrew would fake his own flying hours

24th Mar 2011, 19:34
Ah yes, as an ATO/CFI friend said to me a long time ago, "There are a lot of logbooks around with phantom hours in them but no one has ever seen a F-4". :E:E:E

24th Mar 2011, 22:58
FWIW....when i was "in the seat" I had my right hand man cross reference each week. if you let it go it certainly gets away from you.....especially if everyone is doing 900 hrs per year in a multitude of aircraft. IF CASA had you in the cross hairs it was not unusual to have 4 or 5 FOI's sitting down and going theough your records...... for two days!