View Full Version : Eastern Complete Nav Failure Practic Pan

11th Mar 2011, 00:12
For the second time this week i overheard heard an Eastern on 121.5 calling a Practice Pan stating a complete loss of on board navigational equipment and requesting vectors to Newcastle.

Call me cynical but twice in a week seems a little coincidental unless their Jetstreams really are that tempremental. What's the background? Guys looking for shortcuts? Routing outside controlled airspace? Genuine?

11th Mar 2011, 06:55
The clue is in the word practice.This is done to help train our Mil D&D controllers.Most Eastern flights route direct anyway. There is nothing sinister in this:=



11th Mar 2011, 07:22
I am always being asked on my sector by Scottish D and D to ask aircraft that I am working if they would like to do a Practice Pan. The D and D guys need them for training of new guys or keeping current and up to speed. Its also good practice for my customers as it gives them a clue as what help is at hand should the need arise....I also like it as they generally let me come up with a devious plan what the emergency should be!!:cool::cool:

Hotel Tango
14th Mar 2011, 19:48
Reminds me of the days of Crossair's "chocolate route" requests at Maastricht. It was a nice shortcut but it did require a fair bit of co-ordination by the ATCOs. The incentive came from the supplies of fine Swiss chocolates which were regularly sent.

14th Mar 2011, 19:54
...or the DanAir 'chugalug' routing, the incentive for which came from the................................................:)

14th Mar 2011, 20:23
Its quite common practise with all airlines operating in scotland outside controlled airspace.

Doesn't half get the backs up of the guard police though.