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View Full Version : Ground Operations Incidents

1st Mar 2011, 07:56
Hey there,
I was looking for any page which describes ground handling related incidents. So far did not find any of such. Does anyone heard of something similar, where the cases are archived and analysed.

I am aware that national agencies investigate, but they have all the accidents/incident and it is almost impossible to find it, because they have no Category filtering.

Any help here?

2nd Mar 2011, 15:51
Question posed:
"... looking for ... ground handling related incidents. So far did not find any ..."

There's too much info' available -- maybe you could limit your search. Maybe you were NOT interested in RAMP mishaps involving fueling? Maybe you seek rolling-wheels mishaps during push-back, or late-bags stop-GO, or during parking? Ramp-rash events? Engine-ingestion of ground employee? Jet-blast mishaps?

There is information, but mostly collected by individuals -- even FATAL ramp mishaps went un-recorded; so info' was not organized, you might get too much information that was of NO INTEREST for you.

GAO-08-29, Nov2007, Runway and Ramp Safety, this from pg 48:"We found no source of comprehensive data on airport ramp accidents. Various aviation entities collect ramp accident data, but they are not complete enough to be useful for industry wide analyses, and, in many cases, the entities were not willing for competitive reasons to publicly disclose the data. Many industry stakeholders indicated to us that they lack complete ramp accident data. Without such data, it will be difficult for the aviation industry to understand the nature, extent, and cost of ramp accidents and to allocate appropriate resources and methods to improve ramp safety...."
Re' "ground handling" mishaps -- the "common taxonomy" offers this:



Occurrences during (or as a result of) ground handling operations.
Usage Notes:
• Includes collisions that occur while servicing, boarding, loading, and deplaning the aircraft.

• Includes propeller/rotor/fan blade strikes.

• Includes pushback/powerback/towing events.

• Includes Jet Blast and Prop/rotor wash ground handling occurrences.

• Includes aircraft external preflight configuration errors (examples: improper loading and improperly secured doors and latches) that lead to subsequent events.

• Includes all parking areas (ramp, gate, tiedowns).

• Except for powerback events, which are coded here, if a collision occurs while the aircraft is moving under its own power in the gate, ramp, or tiedown area, code it as a ground collision (GCOL).


Collision while taxiing to or from a runway in use.
Usage Notes:
• Includes collisions with an aircraft, person, animal, ground vehicle, obstacle, building, structure, etc. while on

• Ground collisions resulting from events categorized under Runway Incursion (RI) or Ground Handling (RAMP) are excluded from this category.

NOTE: Taxiing includes air taxiing for rotorcraft
= = = = = = = = == = = = == =
FSF offers several reviews of its GAP -- Ground Accident Prevention program. IATA offers its ISGAO. See FSF's magazine AeroSafetyWorld, June 2009, pgs 23-25; & May2007 pgs 20-25.

Search of FSF's site offers two-dozen pages of returns for "ramp safety", eg:
Ground Accident Prevention (GAP) | Flight Safety Foundation (http://flightsafety.org/archives-and-resources/ground-accident-prevention-gap)

Re' ingestion:
AERO - Preventing Engine Ingestion Injuries When Working Near Airplanes (http://www.boeing.com/commercial/aeromagazine/articles/qtr_3_08/article_04_1.html)
AeroClip (http://www.boeing.com/commercial/aeromagazine/articles/qtr_3_08/videos/AeroClip.html)
An exemplar Rolling-Wheels event [includes the mix of contract employee & mechanic after engines started]:
SEA08LA182 (http://www.ntsb.gov/ntsb/brief2.asp?ev_id=20080822X01296&ntsbno=SEA08LA182&akey=1)

3rd Mar 2011, 12:53
"There's too much info' available -- maybe you could limit your search. Maybe you were NOT interested in RAMP mishaps involving fueling? Maybe you seek rolling-wheels mishaps during push-back, or late-bags stop-GO, or during parking? Ramp-rash events? Engine-ingestion of ground employee? Jet-blast mishaps"

IGh, thanks for the reply.

Info is available but only when you google it. I myself have some Genaral Aviation Incidents pages which I regularly visit, but still looking for something purely Ramp Related. I mean all the stuff you wrote IGh without the Collisions.

I use FSF as part of my job, I use many General portals which are not Ramp Based.
It seems nothing will change, we will still have lack of detailed information in one place :)

I sometimes use ASRS, if I want to find sth, I put categories. I got info. But ramp info is like forgotten.
