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View Full Version : Iosa QA course

9th Feb 2011, 01:53
Hello all...
Is there anyone that can tell me how to become a quality auditor and how to get the certification? I have no experience in this field yet but would like try to walk this road!
tks a lot

9th Feb 2011, 06:25
Depending on what kidn of auditing you want to do.

I have started as internal auditor, got the training with different companies for basic auditing skills.

Over the time I am now doing all 5 IATA disciplines (IOSA, ISAGO, DAQCP, IFQP and IDQP), IS-BAO, EU OPS, EASA 145 and FAR 91/135.

IOSA: Go to the IATA webpage to see all pre-requisists and other requirements.
ISAGO, DAQCP, IDQP: You must be sent by an airline
IFQP: Course can be booked privately, but working only for an airline

IS-BAO: Go to the webpage www.ibac.org (http://www.ibac.org) to look for requirements

EASA 145: several companies offer courses

If you have no experience, a good source for getting an aviation auditor training is, as one example, AQS in Frankfurt. Have good experience with them.

3rd Mar 2011, 03:14
Just a question, refer to the ISAGO training, what kinds of contents will be included?

As per my understanding now, the ISAGO will more foucus on the service providers, or what can be called Ground Handling Agent/Company, is it right?

And the candidates can be sent by the carrier or services providers only?