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View Full Version : Survey: Pilots and ATC

3rd Feb 2011, 07:59
I would like to invite all pilots to participate in a survey regarding the interaction and attitudes between pilots and ATC. Whether you work for an airline or just keep your licence current, your input is valuable:

Pilots and ATC - Understanding what happens on the other side:
Questions for pilots (https://spreadsheets1.google.com/viewform?hl=en&hl=en&formkey=dExidFJzUG03c0stdEgwMEprYzJHelE6MA#gid=0)

If you work as a controller, use this link:
Questions for controllers (https://spreadsheets0.google.com/viewform?hl=en&hl=en&formkey=dGk4UmhmN3VJUm1NcEFETGkwcVNEYUE6MA#gid=0)

Thanks for your time!

3rd Feb 2011, 08:12

Surveys have protocols and rules. The first rules of a survey in many European countries are

* to identify yourself and the organisation performing the survey
* to explain to potential participants what the survey is to be used for
* to give precise criteria for participation

If you do all that, you'll have a legit survey. If not, I hope some savvy moderator will nix the thread.


3rd Feb 2011, 09:15
Sorry about that. As you understand I'm not fully conversant with these rules.

The survey is for an exam paper which forms part of my flight training. I also have a background in ATC and aeronautical charting.

I want to investigate whether pilots and controllers have the same views or different views regarding their roles as well as operational procedures. Are pilots taught enough about how ATC operates? Do controllers know what the priorities of the pilots are? Are both sides on the same page regarding how to operate the transponder or what happens during an emergency descent? Is there an "us-and-them" attitude amongst some pilots and controllers?

3rd Feb 2011, 11:59
.... I'm not fully conversant with these rules.


You still need to say who you are, and give some legally-valid contact information.

And you need to say, not just "pilots" and "controllers" but be specific: PPL, or higher? Licenced controllers? Or students also?


3rd Feb 2011, 12:20

If you start the survey you will be asked some basic information such as what type of licence you have.

In case you are wondering though, it's open for pilots PPL and up, although some questions are more suited for airline pilots. For controllers, I'd prefer answers from operational controllers; whether or not they are students they should at least have experience from talking to real pilots.

Since you seem to have a better grasp of the ins and outs of making a survey, I've sent you a PM. :)

3rd Feb 2011, 19:57
Site rules are that surveys have to be OK'd by those further up the totem pole. I'll leave the thread here for the moment but the OP will need to send me (PM) some details of his/her story.