View Full Version : Aer Lingus Cadet (merged 2011)

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9th Nov 2011, 21:35
Don't suppose anyone's heard any feedback from the first round of interviews?

11th Nov 2011, 09:14
Yea, has AL sent out there emails for Stage 4 (Interview/ Re-Processing) yet? They said early November...

11th Nov 2011, 09:37
They sent emails on the 28th for stage 4.

Scott Duch
15th Nov 2011, 17:01
After the email from AL last week, informing us of the increase in their contribution, it does make this scheme sound very good indeed.

I wonder how many people are through to this stage, the final one a believe. Only 20 cadets will be taken.

I'm not sure however, if AL will be running the scheme this time next year like the BA FPP. It does look like the FTO could well be FTE in Jerez but I guess I'll find out when I go for the interview.

15th Nov 2011, 22:43
Is the 20 a hard number? ... I recall the words used with us were "around 20", or "we're thinking around 20", or words to that effect.

Scott Duch
16th Nov 2011, 20:54
No solid evidence as to say it's going to be bang on 20 but the general thought here and on boards.ie is that 20 cadets will be the final number.

Could be wrong as I have no solid evidence...:)

Mister Mugatu
18th Nov 2011, 00:00
Got my interview next week. I reckon there can't be much more than 80-100 back for this round.
Am hearing different stories on starting salary - €41K?? :hmm:

18th Nov 2011, 13:51
I saw that website too but I think coz of the bond it'll be lower, low-mid 30s. Someone was speculating take-home pay of 2600 a month? Don't know where I saw that...

Scott Duch
18th Nov 2011, 16:04
I agree with iFlyPilot, The figure will likely remain the same but the bond will increase. There wasn't a definite answer however, as to how what the bond will be.

I guess it's something we could get cleared up at the interview. Time will tell.

Scott Duch
29th Nov 2011, 17:39
That's the interviews now complete. How did everyone get on? Anyone want to share their experiences?

Best of luck!

Air Brake
9th Dec 2011, 07:52
Anybody else received the email?

9th Dec 2011, 21:54
Apparently invitations to the next round went out yesterday.

10th Dec 2011, 10:49
AL Cadet programme - Page 113 - boards.ie (http://www.boards.ie/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=2056273775&page=113)

This is probably his source. One of the guys on this forum claims he got the call for a medical, people doubted him for a while but he attached a photo or something to prove himself (he has since took it down) So yeah it looks like people have got through to the next stage. Hard luck to the others, myself included :(

10th Dec 2011, 12:32
Yeah that's where I saw it. He put up a screenshot of an email from EI re next interview and medical, which he's since taken down. First thought was BS (it's happened before on that forum), but it seems not.