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10th Jun 2001, 17:28
Can someone tell me which erazor is best for cleaning it?

I am using a rotering drafting one just now and its crap.


10th Jun 2001, 17:45
What on earth are you writing with?

For pencil, spit and and a corner of your handkerchief should work fine.

If you have moved on a notch, and are just making a single cross, but with a marker pen (much better), then spit works just fine.

Ah! You are using the indellible kind!

A bottle of meths from the hardware shop is invaluable for this and your laminated charts. Just don't drink it. Although mostly ethanol, they put some methanol in it to make it poisonous, and then warn you it is poisonous by colouring it blue and putting pyridine in it to make it taste foul. Such is the way of protecting the taxation on alcoholic beverages, and sending down and outs blind!

10th Jun 2001, 18:00
Just a normal HB pencil.

What would be best?

Overhead fine tip nonperm pen.


10th Jun 2001, 18:13


An overhead projector type fine non permanent marker pen is just the ticket!

A bit of spit and the end of your finger does the cleaning. Every now and again you can do a big clean up with spit and your handkerchief!! No-one will know if it all looks a bit manky in between times!

little red train
10th Jun 2001, 18:33
I use the perminent OHP pens I use on my charts, comes of just fine with a bit of gebb and finger action, meths in an eye drop sytle bottle or a rotering film rubber. I don't like the non-permients, as its two sets of pen to mix up and the mark comes of to easly. I never use pencil, it never trully come off and just gets dirty.

[This message has been edited by little red train (edited 10 June 2001).]

11th Jun 2001, 00:59
Cheers for the info.

I had just done 7 hrs of general Nav study and i knew i was doing something wrong.

I will purchase the correct equipment tomorrow.

Thanks again


Boss Raptor
11th Jun 2001, 21:14
Optical glasses cleaner or plain water and washing up liquid...