View Full Version : Pilot Height

2nd Feb 2001, 19:14
I am a 6'8 tall student pilot who barely manages to squeeze himself into a cessna 172.
Are the larger aircraft tall pilot friendly or should i cut my legs off below the knees.

2nd Feb 2001, 21:54
I got a job with a European national carrier, and I'm 6'6''. I think direct entries are better off as theres more restrictions and conditions on cadets.
I think supply and demand may be a factor too. But dont get discouraged though, because if, I mean "when" you get a job you probably wont be "the" tallest pilot out there, (although you definitely will be one of them)

5th Feb 2001, 16:50
Cut your legs off? :rolleyes: don't be silly, you wouldn't be able to use the brakes on the rudder pedals. have your neck cut off and your head sewn to your shoulders :)

6th Feb 2001, 02:01
6'8'' myself. Will have my ATPL in a couple of months. Dosn't feel like luxúry to sit in PA28s and PA34s, but I'll survive. If you should happen to end up in a J31 you may get a problem, but all the airliners I've sat in were big enough (except for headroom in the 747 classic - its too narrow in the top!)

[This message has been edited by PiperChauffeur (edited 05 February 2001).]