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Flying Lawyer
3rd Dec 2010, 22:52



2011 Scholarships

Several Fixed Wing & one Rotary.
The Scholarship award covers all direct training and examination costs.
Refer to the application forms for eligibility criteria and terms and conditions of the scholarship.
Closing date for applications: 23 March 2011
Interviews will be held in London on Tuesday 3 May 2011.
Application forms:
Flying Instructor Rating (Fixed Wing) 2011 (http://www.gapan.org/file/224/flying-instructor-fixed-wing-2011.pdf)
Flying Instructor Rating (Rotary) 2011 (http://www.gapan.org/file/223/flying-instructor-helicopter-2011.pdf)

Several full scholarships are available. They cover all aspects of training up to licence issue for candidates prepared to dedicate a considerable part of the summer to gaining their PPL. Providing up to 45 hours of flying, these scholarships can take a candidate with little or no experience, to completion of their flying licence during the course of the summer, alternatively they can finish training of someone who is already partially trained.
The scholarships are awarded entirely on merit as evidenced on the completed application form and as assessed by a selection committee appointed by the Guild.
Candidates must be 17 or over on 1st June 2011.
Closing date for applications: 23 March 2011
Interviews will be held in London on 5 and 6 May 2011.
Application form: PPL Scholarship (Fixed Wing) 2011 (http://www.gapan.org/file/222/ppl-scholarship-application-2011.pdf)
Overseas Applicants
Applicants from overseas are welcome to apply and should email the Guild office gapan @ gapan.org to make arrangements to submit an application.
Note: Interviews and training will take place only within the UK.

New for 2011 -
2 scholarships for a residential week at Lasham in early August 2011.
Successful candidates must be over 16 on 1 June 2011.
Closing dates for applications is 23 March 2011
Interviews will be held in London on Tuesday 3 May 2011.
Sponsored by the Guild Young Members Group (http://www.gapanym.org/)
Application form: Gliding Scholarship 2011 (http://www.gapan.org/file/250/gliding-scholarship-2011.pdf)

Instrument Rating Instructor (up to £2,500), Aerobatics Instructor (up to £1,750), Multi-Engine Instructor (up to £3,500).
More info here: GAPAN Bursaries (http://www.gapan.org/career-matters/bursaries/)

Jet Orientation Course Scholarships 2011
2 courses available at EPST.
The course is specifically designed to prepare newly qualified professional pilots for employment with an airline. It is not type specific. Application forms will be available shortly.

2010 Scholarship Winners

Pictured: San Carpenter (Benevolent Fund FI Scholarship) Luke Roberts (Air Safety Trust Diamond Jubilee Scholarship) John Haffenden (Instrument Rating Instructor Bursary) Ben Pilgrim (Grand Master's Scholarship) Amy Cosgrove (Sir Sefton Branker Scholarship) Matt Stubbs (Cadogan Scholarship) The Immediate Past Master Rear Admiral Colin Cooke-Priest, *John Randall (Benevolent Fund PPL Scholarship) Aaron Collaco (Jack Smith Commemorative Scholarship) Louise Courtney (JOC Scholarship) Andrew Jackson (Aerobatic Instructor Bursary) Claudine Miles (JOC Scholarship)
Other winners: Helen Vosper (Norman Motley FI Scholarship), Jan Angermann (MEI Bursary) Daniel Meanley (Cobham Scholarship) and Paul Taylor (Weetabix Helicopter Instructor Scholarship)

Good Luck. :ok:


GAPAN - The Guild of Air Pilots & Air Navigators (http://www.gapan.org/)

16th Dec 2010, 23:36
I tried to access the application form via the link but it does not want to work.


Jude (LLB)

17th Dec 2010, 07:43
Jude098, try this direct link: http://www.gapan.org/file/222/ppl-scholarship-application-2011.pdf

17th Dec 2010, 20:58
Thank you


23rd Jan 2011, 16:54
Does anyone know if there is an upper age limit - Im 41....would i be considered too old ?


23rd Jan 2011, 18:47
wallacengrommet, the age criteria are fully described on the application form....

13th Feb 2011, 16:45
Quite a likely stupid question,
Does anyone know where they would like application forms to be sent?

13th Feb 2011, 18:50
I would imagine to the address on the first page of the form!

Flying Lawyer
14th Mar 2011, 19:13
Closing date for applications for most of the scholarships:

Wednesday 23 March 2011

20th Mar 2011, 09:22
Only 3 days left to apply!

20th Mar 2011, 13:33
Hope you've got my application by now then :)

20th Mar 2011, 14:16
Does the selection process only exist of 1 interview and that's it? Or do you have to make a PAT or something like that?

Flying Lawyer
20th Mar 2011, 16:42
There are 2 stages in the selection process, the second of which is an interview:

(1) The Selection Committee considers all the application forms and selects a short-list of candidates to go on to the second stage.

(2) Short-listed candidates are required to attend an interview with the Selection Committee at the Guild Office in Central London on the 5th or 6th May. The interview process includes short tests to help ascertain aptitude and ability.

(Edit: I'm an active member of the Guild but I'm not on the Selection Committee.)


20th Mar 2011, 17:40
That's clear. Thank you!

Do you maybe know how many applicants apply to these scholarships?

21st Mar 2011, 00:06
^^ Good questions

23rd Mar 2011, 11:11
Well, it's closing day today, so, from 7am tomorrow I can be found in a sleeping bag under my letter box, just in case I'm lucky! :}

Flying Lawyer
26th Mar 2011, 23:50
To those who applied:

Applications for 2011 are now closed. There were approximately 400 applications.

You will know if you have got through to the interview stage by mid-April.
In the meantime, remember to keep the 5th and 6th May free in your diary.

Good luck. :ok:

Tudor Owen

3rd Apr 2011, 13:26
400! Good luck to everyone who has also applied. Looks like it will be tough.

7th Apr 2011, 14:34
Anyone lucky enough to have received an invite yet?

9th Apr 2011, 13:31
Anyone heard anything?

I've still not been home yet..
Getting a little eager as it would be the best news..

10th Apr 2011, 22:14
Same nothing yet. I believe the GAPAN website say something along the lines of 'you will know if you have an interview by mid-april'

11th Apr 2011, 17:27
I don't have nothing yet, like all of you guys. I think waiting for a few days (5 - 14) days can't be bad right :rolleyes:

13th Apr 2011, 18:55
I heard yesterday, anyone else?

14th Apr 2011, 07:13
Nothing yet :{

14th Apr 2011, 19:31
I haven't heard yet either...good news dave_4x?

14th Apr 2011, 19:33
Would be kinda enough to send a letter if you didn't get through ? :/

14th Apr 2011, 19:51
They will, I received one a couple of years back.

14th Apr 2011, 19:56
I've got a mail that I'm not been selected. Success for the others!!

14th Apr 2011, 20:13
Not necessarily. They only shortlist a few, and the chances of three of those people posting on PPRune (out of a possible 400 applicants) is very slim. It would make more sense to contact the successful ones first anyway. They probably post them in alphabetical order or something, 400 is a lot to process all in one go.

14th Apr 2011, 20:17
Anybody heard about the glider scholarship my son wants to know

14th Apr 2011, 21:26
Yeah, I got an email saying I've made it to interview :)

14th Apr 2011, 21:54

Probably a no again for me then....:(

14th Apr 2011, 23:46
Congrats Dave,
Good luck with the rest.. could be your picture in the first post next time :cool:

15th Apr 2011, 16:00
Congrats Dave!

Alas, I was not as fortunate, got my letter today :{

Anyone know of a flying school that needs help with IT in exchange for flying hours?

WH :sad:

15th Apr 2011, 17:52
Congrats Dave!! and good luck for the following stages!! :ok:


Commiserations to my fellow wannabe's who like myself were unsuccessful, but oneday we shall get there, "try try again..." and all that good stuff!!


15th Apr 2011, 21:49
I didn't get through either, although I got a really nice personal letter. Invitation to apply again next year.

Well done to others. Use it well.

16th Apr 2011, 19:01
That sounds like the polite 'rejection' letter I received last year. Definitely go for it again next year everyone who wasn't shortlisted this year - You never know what'll happen. Good luck to you all!

16th Apr 2011, 23:28
Yeh, it was decent.
Definately professionally done, as you would expect. Never done it before so I wouldn't have known.
I'll be doing a bit more throughout my time until then so we'll see.
Thanks for the comments. Good luck again for yourself Dave, and others when the news comes.