View Full Version : Baden Baden - EDSB or EDTB?

Aussie Andy
17th Nov 2010, 00:00
We're planning a trip for the May bank holiday down to Baden Baden (so good they named it twice!)...

I note on the chart that there are two airfields, KARLSRUHE/BADEN-BADEN EDSB (3km of asphalt) and BADEN-OOS EDTB (790m of grass - plenty for my purposes in a PA28).

Anyone able to help us choose between the two? Default for me would be Baden-Oos as it seems closer to the town and assume it would be cheaper.



17th Nov 2010, 07:45
Hi there,

Baden-Oos is no longer a public use airfield. It is a special use airfield for the local flying club and I don't think you will be allowed to land there.

EDSB is an ok airport. It has a long runway, ILS and light airline traffic. Don't be surprised: approach control is done by the French (Strassbourg approach).

It used to be an airbase and everything is quite spread-out. Last time I was there the GA Terminal was rather run down and remote but this may have changed. There is a regular bus service from the main terminal to the city (bus 205 I believe).

Landing fee and parking for one night should cost you around 30 Euros. I suggest you call them or check their fees online.

Hope this helps!

Aussie Andy
17th Nov 2010, 07:53
That's a big help - thanks!!

Jan Olieslagers
18th Nov 2010, 19:24
Check it out on AIRPORT Flughafen Flugplatz Pilot (http://www.airports.de) ( www . airports . de )
I have a very vague memory of very early closing hours, better ask if you do call them. Which is ALWAYS a good idea, often even mandatory for PPR.

BTW Baden-Baden means "the city of Baden in the region (or county, or whatever) of Baden". Today that region is joined in the state of Baden-Württemberg.

Aussie Andy
19th Nov 2010, 15:34
Thx - Baden-Oos EDTB unfortunately does not have a listing in www.airports.de, only EDTB does (http://www.airports.de/component/option,com_mtree/task,viewlink/link_id,206/lang,en/)...


Jan Olieslagers
19th Nov 2010, 15:59
Sorry, hadn't checked. Still, www.fluglehrerteam.de - Baden-Oos Flugplatz EDTB (http://www.fluglehrerteam.de/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=179&lang=de&Itemid=101)
does confirm "only for club members", so I'm afraid it won't be any good for your trip. It never hurts to ask, though.

Aussie Andy
19th Nov 2010, 16:01
Yep - have just found contact info via http://www.aeroclub-baden-baden.de/ and http://www.flugplatz-baden-oos.de/ ... took a lot of searching!