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View Full Version : Passenger security checks - new rules

16th Nov 2010, 14:30
I have chartered an aircraft that is flying back from Italy has one stop in the UK and flies on to another destination in the UK to drop other passengers.

I have been advised that DfT rules now state that the remaining passengers have to get off and have their hand bagagge re-screened before being allowed to fly on the same aircraft.

Does anyone know where i can find that legislation written down officialy by the DfT - pressumably it relates to the Yemeni bomb incident recently?

30th Nov 2010, 12:07
Access the UK NASP. it will provide the regulations for you, including EC 300 & 185.

30th Nov 2010, 15:42
That seems a bit pointless , unless the aircraft is searched , as they could just leave anything they wish on board whilst they go for a stroll through security and get scanned and frisked before reboarding and being reunited with their belongings on board!