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View Full Version : PPL question about AIP GEN 1.7

15th Nov 2010, 20:49
I'm preparing for the PPL air law exam. The book says I should be familiar with AIP GEN 1.7, so I looked it up. It's too long to learn from memory and I can see that not all of it will be relevant to PPL anyway. For example, the stuff about the UK airships. Perhaps my inexperience shows, but it also looks like many of the points are very subtle and it's tricky to see which things I really should know to be safe and competent. In what detail/depth is one supposed to know this?

Gertrude the Wombat
15th Nov 2010, 21:41
For example, the stuff about the UK airships.
I did once look up at the sky and see a pattern of lights and think "according to the Air Law I've just studied that must be an airship". Therefore, I thought, I'd remember the rules wrong or misinterpreted what I saw.

To discover the next day of course that an airship had flown over during the night.

But I didn't get a question on it in the exam. And as I don't fly at night I no longer have the remotest clue what lights an airship carries, and this lack of knowledge has exactly zero safety implication.

16th Nov 2010, 07:56
Gertude is right in practice re the safety implication, but in PPL exam world you do need to know the airship lighting - I passed Airlaw 2 weeks ago and one question (of 40 ish) did include having to know airship lighting I'm afraid.

You certainly don't have to try and remember all of the external docs the books mention though, just learn your pratt/thom/whatever airlaw book, and ask your instructor for some "pointers".

Then when you think you are ready (and only when you think you are ready!) use the "ppl perfector" book. It's got some typos alright (including having EXACTLY the same question twice in a row, and a couple of clearly wrong answers), but in my case it was a very accurate representation of my exam paper if you know what I mean :ok:

Good luck with the Air Law.