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20th Jan 2001, 22:23
Saw on Airpoint News ( www.airpoint.com.br (http://www.airpoint.com.br) ) and went to the RG site to confirm.
They are accepting cv ,that need to be in till 31/01. Between 01-05/02 you need to call and see if your cv was good enough to let you do the written tests.Tests on the 10/02. After that if you pass there are more selection phases and so on.It ends with the medical.You can see for your self here ; www.varig.com.br (http://www.varig.com.br) .

What was interesting was the notice on the end of the information. They say that being qualified is not a guarantee of job. So my question is; why go all the way if in the end ,and I mean being trhough all the process (including a self-funded trip to POA to do the JET trainer), you can be told "hey ,great results ,you are qualified to work for us, but we don't really need you" (or something like that).Will in the end only the PUC guys be accepted ,or will it be a more "open" process?
For me is too late, and just leave EU to do the test is impossible for me right now , so maybe in a few years again. But what for the ones that are in Brazil?Can anyone comment on this? I sure would be happy to hear insides from someone.

Thanks in adavance , and the best luck to the ones doing it.



[This message has been edited by AeroBoero (edited 20 January 2001).]

23rd Jan 2001, 15:25
Boero, It seems to me that nothing has changed in this process...

24th Jan 2001, 17:52
This selection will be open for everyone. However, Varig will hire new pilots if they are really required. Where's different?
To get an opportunity you need to make the process, after that there will be a pilot pool and you can go to Varig, Rio-Sul and Nordeste. Obviously many pilots (certainly more than 800) will try to take this chance. So, if 300 pilots pass on written, and any other test, how can Varig, read FRB and affiliates, guaratee a job position? I think, this a part of a big game where you can accept or not, but it's not different from anywhere.

14th Feb 2001, 03:46
Hear hear Contrails.
Do anyone now how much people did actually the test? I just heard from a friend that is was not a difficult written (DAC PP/PC level). So for sure there will be plenty of candidates going to the English test (if I am right).
Curious to hear how many will come to the last phase.



15th Feb 2001, 04:07
2.500 pilots had theirs resumes selected to do the written test. How many actually did, on last Saturday, only the time will say.
Check http://www.varig.com.br/pop_convoca_pilotos.htm.
Initially will be 160 positions.

16th Feb 2001, 02:06
2500? To 160 positions? http://www.pprune.org/ubb/NonCGI/eek.gif (Espantado com número de vagas!)
I guess options won't be a problem for the company.

Thanx for the info Quasar!

[This message has been edited by AeroBoero (edited 15 February 2001).]