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View Full Version : You've got to be kidding me?

27th Oct 2010, 00:12
So due to illness and other problems, I have been away from this site. I do enjoy it here and I still keep in contact with many people whom I have never met except for conversations on this site. All exceptional people.
Imagine my surprise when after better than a year away I come to fine a thread about the censorship on avcanada.
I believe in free speach. I will defend anyones rights to it. That is why this comment has me shaking my head:
I contacted you on Oct 23, still no answer, you, by your total lack of any response, have answered your own question, so please stay away from this site, thank you! Sorry I didn't notice that I had a message, and sorry for you if you think your asking me to go away will actually have me "go away"
and this comment: "So sensor all you wish on Av Canada, but not here if you dont mind". I am not a moderator of this site?
I personally have no beef with you clunck except that you expect me to go away as apparently my comments don't stack up to your high expectations for this site. If that isn't sensorship I don't know what is?
I would love to carry this on for a while but I have way more important things to do like watching my grass grow.

27th Oct 2010, 01:52

Your post makes absolutly no sense.

Chuck Ellsworth
27th Oct 2010, 02:42
I believe what we have here is a sad case of how easy internet communication misunderstandings can be.

I have personally met and know both of you and I can without any doubt state you would get along just great in person.

Life has many issues that are truly more important than these spats on the internet.

Chuck Ellsworth.

27th Oct 2010, 02:46
Thanks Chuck,
I think you're probably right.
Without the other thread you're right, it doesn't make a lot of sense.

Chuck Ellsworth
27th Oct 2010, 02:50
Thanks Chuck,
I think you're probably right.

I know I am right on this one. :ok:

27th Oct 2010, 13:16
Chuck, nice try but Im not even going to bother with this, the man makes no sense{Going to another webb site to find a PM on this site!} Its the same stuff which has caused this site to be the place of choice for many Canadians, thus avoiding "The other place" I had three other folks read his stuff {All smarter than me, which aint saying much} none can make sense of it . Regards, Clunck.

27th Oct 2010, 14:13
I have no use for "The Other Place" either but I made my decision and left, leaving the issues there. I had no intention of dragging them over here. If you guys are so interested in continuously slagging the other place, why not go back there and do it? I don't know why we have to keep listening to the same old crap here.


27th Oct 2010, 15:58
I signed out of there yesterday for the last time. I think the 'other place' is doomed to mediocrity. My last word about it. Welcome back, Chuck! You were missed.

Pilot DAR
29th Oct 2010, 21:21
Welcome back, Chuck! You were missed.

I'll second that!

As for the other, I have no idea what's going on. How nice for me!

30th Oct 2010, 14:13
I've noticed a decrease in the quality of the posts as well, I still glean the occasional tidbit so still visit. However, I think some of the new mods might be part of the problem not the solution.

30th Oct 2010, 15:07
I signed out of there yesterday for the last time. I think the 'other place' is doomed to mediocrity. My last word about it.

Ok, ok.

After taking some time out of my real life to actually register here, and read off and on the past couple months "at the other place," I have to say this quote above is not only remarkable in its hilarity, but also its myopia.

If "this" place is being used to set some sort of bar, all I can do is laugh. Reading the posts here by a bunch of bitter old pilots who apparently used to post "at the other place" is really rather amusing. Or at least it would be were it not so pathetic.

I've decided posting anything on this medium looks to be an utter waste of my time, and fast approaching retirement. Do you guys all just sit around staring at computers fighting with people you never met as some sort of sick entertainment? I hope it is that, because the alternative is just depressing.

Most of the people posting on either of these sites on threads such as this are juvenile and petty, full stop. As I said a month or two ago here, it's pathetic and embarrassing to Canadian aviation that on a forum accessible to the world's aviators, you are descending to the level displayed here. You look like fools.

I will continue to check in for an occasional head shake and disapproving laugh, as you have all demonstrated the pointlessness of trying to make any sort of meaningful contribution on these boards.

Chuck Ellsworth
30th Oct 2010, 15:31
I will continue to check in for an occasional head shake and disapproving laugh, as you have all demonstrated the pointlessness of trying to make any sort of meaningful contribution on these boards.

You could start by setting an example of something meaningful.

Maybe you could share your vast knowledge with us by posting something of value yourself?

Pilot DAR
31st Oct 2010, 11:56
You could start by setting an example of something meaningful.

Yes, this open up an interseting question I ask myself from time to time: Do I post here simply for my own entertainment? Or do I use the forum (as I presume it is intended) as a means to share for the benefit of all readers? I have zero inctention to allow my peers, be they in Canada, or elsewhere, to see me as a childish combative person - I honestly have better things to do, and planes to fly.

If I can help, I'l try, if I can mentor, I will, if I have to hang my head in embarrassment as to the postings of my countrymen, oh well, that too, will pass....

In the mean time, I'll always try to set an example - a proud one. What we done in aviation in Canada is amazing. What we have accomplished over the decades, and still export to the rest of the world, in terms of fine products, and well trained pilots is a record to be proud of. So I'll be proud of it, and resist the need to be petty.

We can do better Canadians!