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View Full Version : Cheap Airline tickets to the USA

3rd Jan 2002, 23:46
Hey everyone,
I've been totting up the cost of a single adult, return to San Diego from the UK... and
Anyone who's been out there to a flying school who found any web addresses with cheap flights on for San Diego/LA area could ya pass 'em on please?



4th Jan 2002, 12:32
I use the people I hace cut-n-pasted below for most of my flights, they are sometimes beaten on price but not often. I.e. Heahrow-Los Angeles £199+Tax last time I went!!!

Just send them an email and each day they will email you a list of flight and holidays going cheap. They coverboth last minute and future dates so quite good.

I have also used ebookers, they are usually the ones that beat travelfinders if anyone does.


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4th Jan 2002, 16:13
You wouldn't be ian 'jetcareers' wannabe would you?

I'd try <a href="http://www.flynow.com" target="_blank">www.flynow.com</a> (I think). I got a return to Orlando via Philly on April 2nd last year for about £230. It may well have been less, I can't remember.

[ 04 January 2002: Message edited by: bow5 ]</p>

5th Jan 2002, 01:39
Hey there.. thanks for the links etc guys. Will help me cut some ££ off the sides here 'n there, cheers <img src="smile.gif" border="0">

erm... I'm not sure what u meant by "You wouldn't be ian 'jetcareers' wannabe would you?"
me being thick lol

I wan't to fly the biggies yup... not the little fighters tho.. well ofcourse I woulnd't mind! But biggies it is for me, I've had this name now since I 1st saw this post.. if that's what u mean <img src="smile.gif" border="0">

thanks again

5th Jan 2002, 19:16
And another :

<a href="http://www.travelocity.co.uk/" target="_blank">http://www.travelocity.co.uk/</a>

5th Jan 2002, 19:31
I just got a return from Manchester to Orlando for £260 including tax, from the Airline Network, 01772.550124.

6th Jan 2002, 14:31
As Sensible reccommends, I always use <a href="http://www.travelocity.com" target="_blank">www.travelocity.com</a> - very reliable (usually next day delivery). They don't try to impress by advertising 'unavailable' bargains - hooks straight into Sabre, so if the fares available you can buy it here - don't accept the first one you're offered though - select a few different flights any you might find somthing cheaper.

Slightly off subject, sounds like you lot get over to the states quite often (I assume to fly). Any tips for a PPL student who wants to have a go at flying over there. I just want to see what it's like etc. Not interested in going to a 'factory' where I can get my licence in a couple of weeks, but wouldn't mind 5 or 10 hours fair weather flying to get me through the winter and see how the other half lives. Anyone done this while they were still a student?

7th Jan 2002, 12:25

Last time I was in Californa (Sept 01), Rainbow Air were offering a 'try fly' deal. I can't remember the exact number of hours but believe it was about 15, the idea being you could go up and gain a few hours with an instructor but without pressure, if you liked it then you were free to carry on the course to get your PPL.

I think the deal also included hotel accomdation and was based around 14 days, they may be flexible if you ring them though.

<a href="http://www.rainbowair.com" target="_blank">www.rainbowair.com</a>


7th Jan 2002, 17:39

there is a website called jetcareers.com (very much like this one) whose JAA contributor is called Ian and if i'm not mistaken from the San Diego area. I believe he's over here trying to gain sponsorship.

7th Jan 2002, 21:53
<a href="http://www.cheapestflights.co.uk" target="_blank">www.cheapestflights.co.uk</a>

Seems to be good - But I can't say for definite as I haven't bought off them yet...



8th Jan 2002, 02:35

Gotcha now, sorry nope that ain't me <img src="smile.gif" border="0">

Thanks for the websites guys/girls
