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View Full Version : Loading up new databases on a GPSIII

2nd Jan 2002, 13:32
I've got a GPS III with the atlantic database that it was shipped with. Planning to do a bit of US flying in the spring and want to have the americas database as well.

Does anyone know what I need to do to get the US database into the unit as well (i.e, have both the atlantic and americas database on the machine). I've had a look at the garmin & jepessen sites but its not clear whether the downloads are new databases or just updates.

Cheers & happy new year to all.

2nd Jan 2002, 21:00
You can't have both databases installed.

When you install a new (or updated) database, the 1st thing the installation program does is zap your old database. Unless you've got update disks to reinstall on your return to Blighty, it'll be lost forever <img src="mad.gif" border="0">

2nd Jan 2002, 22:30
You can still use the GPS in the States without the database. The major features are there - coastlines, big lakes etc but not the airfield data. If all you want it for is to help you get from A to B then it will still provide this facility. You can also load routes into it but of course you need the lat and longs.

The little brown 'FLIGHT GUIDE - AIRPORT AND FREQUENCY MANUAL' gives you all the airfield, VORTAC etc data you need. See <a href="http://www.flightguide.com." target="_blank">www.flightguide.com.</a>