View Full Version : Death of Nigel Pitcher

Bravo Mike
16th Oct 2010, 20:01
For the many people who know Nigel Pitcher, flying instructor and aviation character, please see the notice of his untimely death in the Military Aircrew forum.
Nigel was my main PPL instructor at Bournemouth in 2001. He showed me what flying had to offer and inspired me to continue learning. He will be sadly missed.

Comms Boy
16th Oct 2010, 20:24
Post also running in Where are they now.

A great loss to the aviation community in Dorset, he will be very sadly missed

gmama pilot
16th Oct 2010, 22:42
Dear Nigel was a true natural pilot and a good friend for 26 years. We did our instructor rating together and flew together. You will be a great loss to aviation in dorset. Until we meet again.

18th Oct 2010, 12:52
As Nigel`s brother I would just like to say thank you for your kind words,I miss him already but will never forget the bastard.

Martin pitcher

18th Oct 2010, 14:32
I was truly shocked when I received an email from Compton Abbas (where I am based) about Nigel's untimely death. He was a great guy and was the Examiner who passed me on my PPL Skills test about 10 years ago - a day I will never forget, mainly because of Nigel's good humour and understanding in what was, for me, a highly stressful time.

My sincere condolences to his nearest and dearest - I will miss his excellent humour, advice, freindship and the occasional cadged roll-up when my baccie ran out.

A good man.

18th Oct 2010, 15:43
Martin ,
I am surprised at how few words have been written here so far.
I believe , like me and my wife, many many people who know Nigel , are actually still in shock and still attempting to comprehend this cruel loss.

Bill Booth , Kevin Crossley, Julie Green , Nige - hope your all having a beer up there !!

Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family

" hello shag ... did you here the one about the copper who...."
Yea, I miss him already too...

JP and HP

19th Oct 2010, 08:13
He was a great examiner, and a really nice bloke...such a shame.

19th Oct 2010, 13:18
I do not know who you are,but if you ask me tomorrow for a fag it would be my pleasure,I am really touched by all of the comments.

Martin (Pitch) Pitcher

19th Oct 2010, 15:32
Nigel.... You dirty dirty man! I'll raise a glass of malt for you old chap!

I remember the day clearly back in 96 when the perv flew into a tree at Sandown. He told me to take a leaf out of his book and branch out....

19th Oct 2010, 15:58
After this day all at Sandown have known this area as Nigel's Ridge. RIP my good friend.

19th Oct 2010, 15:59
Nige was a great husband, father, friend, instructor, aviator and all round great bloke.

I was an early student of Nige's in 1988 and had many a happy time in the air and in the bar at Bournemouth Flying Club.

So many flying tales, so many happy memories and I am so, so sad that Nige has gone far too early.

Nige will be sadly missed and a great loss to the aviation community.

20th Oct 2010, 09:12
And not forgetting our great times at Interair! We'll all miss you Perv!

23rd Oct 2010, 10:57
As Nige's wife, may I just also say a huge thank you for all the lovely comments on here. Nige was the most amazing husband and daddy, and we will miss him more than anyone can imagine.
Thank you all again.
With love

Gordon Clifton
31st Oct 2010, 01:18
Nige's unscheduled departure came as a huge shock. I'm grateful to him for his confidence in passing me fit to commit aviation on 22 September 1997 at 15:10, and the revalidations and instructor trips since. His approach to flying and instructing inspired confidence in the less than confident rookie pilot.

Even a perilous rate of descent on the 090 approach to Compton, or a botched MATZ penetration at Yeovilton, would give rise only to a calm 'better do something about it' comment and a successful extraction from the impending mire without him laying a finger on the controls. Post-skills test PFLs? 'Let's do something practical for when the prop has stopped, the kids are screaming and the ex-wife is having hysterics in the back'.

Flight planning at the golf club in 05 was pure Nige entertainment once the lines had been drawn and the numbers crunched. His anecdotes about his spell with Dorset's finest were excellent pre-flight relaxation for me and post-18 holes for the golfing fraternity.

It's often said that the best go early. Sadly it's turned out to be true yet again. Wherever Nige is I hope there's at least a T bar and a Tiger Moth with a sheepskin jacket waiting in the aft cockpit. Good bloke, the best and, recalling one of his experiences in the police, a good egg. As he said to me in disbelief after one flight prep at the golfers' retreat, he still had no idea why using 'good egg' was a hanging offence. RIP and stay out of the celestial trees!

Mike T
18th May 2011, 08:32
I found out about Nigels death very late , I am so sorry.

Nigel was a dear friend to me , whom i lost contact with in the having babies phase and getting married time of my life. We kept in slight contact and i always knew that when things calmed down again we would be close again. Sadly not to be.

I am devasted for Sue , Mikey , Maree and all of Nigels wonderful family.

But i sit hear, accepting Nigel is gone , and find a broad grin on my face (and a tear!). Here was a guy that earnt the right to live the life I dreamt of , marry a lovely lady , and keep smiling what ever life had thrown at him over the years and he had some crap i can tell you. I have so many funny stories that keep making me smile as I know you all do. A unique man.

As a fledgling PPL , Nigel introduced me to spinning in cloud, scaring ostiches in a c152 (rip Mr Crossley whom asked us to report to the tower on landing!), performing aeros for ladies riding on horse back south of sandbanks. He also taught me the true art of flying , having fun , with managed risk and maturity. And that will be my lasting memory of Nigel - a charactor who challenged all that is wrong with the world (and the C.ampaign A.gainst A.viation) as he used to call it ,- he was able to just be himself , wonderfully different and a true genius and trusted friend. Whether you met him for 5 minutes or like most of you on here over many years - there will not be quite another like him. shouts of "good old boy" and "even monkeys can fall from trees" will never be forgotten. The good egg-gate scandal summed him up so well - harmless, funny, lovely and a better man than I ,whom was easily misunderstood to the ignorant folk of this world.

I will never forget you Nigel and nor will a few of my ex girlfriends whom adored you equally over the years - to the night clubbing ,the the failed pitot tube in freezing fog , to the radio failures out of Farley , to your great humour, legacy of your children and humble genuis. I will dearly miss you.

"Good Old Boy"
