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View Full Version : UK Airport Security Rules

8th Oct 2010, 18:00
I've been searching the DfT website but to no avail. I'm a member of aircrew and need to find out what the rules are regarding different parts of the airport (previously the restricted zone etc...now re-named I believe).

All I can find on the DfT site is guidance for going through security if you are a passenger. However I need info for aircrew and engineers having to visit numerous UK airports.

Any pointers on where I can find the rules would be much appreciated!


8th Oct 2010, 20:04
Just assume that a variety of clueless jobsworths whose lives will never amount to anything will try to make your life a misery. They will treat you like dirt; make unreasonable demands of you; employ some tactics which, oddly enough, are also worth considering if you ever find yourself needing to interrrogate people without being fettered by the Geneva Convention; delay you; and upset you.

There are, needless to say, no meaningful national guidelines worth speaking of in the STBIROTFUK, as 'confusion benefits the system'.

Note of caution: This has nothing to do with achieving a more secure environment, so BE CAREFUL!

Piltdown Man
9th Oct 2010, 07:16
They won't tell you - for security reasons! The other clever bit is, most of the phone numbers at airports send you off to recorded message systems - just to make sure that you don't speak to anyone. So the best method is to call your handling agent and get them to transfer you the prats in the airport's office. Alternatively, you could let your aircraft block a stand or taxiway and let them call you... Choking up their apron gets their attention pretty quickly.


9th Oct 2010, 13:46
Another stupid thing is that if you wear non metallic safety boots you are ALLOWED to walk straight through with them on as they are classed as "Tools of the trade" but not metallic ones.

So if you wanted to get soemthing through security just wear them and put whatever it is in your boots and wahey you got it through security.

The real security threat is the people that work at security who can barely speak english.

Please tell me how they managed to supply a 5 year reference? I'll tell you how, they get there room mate to say they have known them for 5 years and that they have been unemployed.

I personally think that the DFT need to teach there security staff about the other trades within an airport. Such as a pilot having a nail file isn't much of threat when he can just push the control column forward and gets the same result. A cleaner on the other hand shouldn't have a leatherman and cans of oil.

Please someone do something!!!!

Shell Management
9th Oct 2010, 18:08
The security is there to help you rise to the top of your seniority list so stop compaining.

10th Oct 2010, 20:11
I personally think that the DFT need to teach there (sic) security staff about the other trades within an airport.

Think you will find all the screening staff at UK airports are employed by either the Airport or as contractors to the airport and not by the DFT. DFT set the rules and audit the system and the screening staff have to abide by the rules. However, as in all things these days, sometimes the element of common sense is missing. Maybe something to do with the constant surveillance the staff are under - get it wrong and you could lose your job.

No doubt trade organisations have made and are making representations about some of the regulations, but I'm sure DFT want to ensure they are "bomb-proof" (pun intended) if anything goes wrong.


Piltdown Man
16th Oct 2010, 09:26
The security is there to help you rise to the top of your seniority list so stop compaining.

Is it hell! You spend far too long in the Coffeeshops; your brain is totally muddled. It is there to reassure an ignorant, whinging, whining public and a hounding, bullying, baying press that governments are doing "something" about threats from terrorism. Recent atrocities have shown that the vicious thugs who believe that they are fighting some religious cause are capable of planning and training to such an extent that any existing security can be bypassed. Unless we change our security systems and the knob-heads who run it, we are just counting the days until the next event.


Shell Management
16th Oct 2010, 14:09
Security is a vital deterent against attack as well as an effective disrupter of terrorist plans.

Just this week ICAO adopted an unprecedented declaration on aviation security.

The 37th assembly of the organization held in Montréal, Canada, endorsed the ICAO Comprehensive Aviation Security Strategy (ICASS) and gave unanimous support for continuation of the Universal Security Audit Program (USAP).

This was in response to a botched terrorist attack on a U.S.-bound airliner on December 25, 2009 and because "As every airport offers a potential entry point into this global system, every nation faces the threat from gaps in aviation security throughout the world."

So expect to see more of the world mirroring the US and UK.

BTW I'm sure the Dutch Aviation Police are fed up of hauling transit passengers off aircraft that should never have been let on ion the first place.

British Grenadier
16th Oct 2010, 19:16
I have recently witnessed at Heathrow the typical attitude from BAA staff , that have deliberately , made themselves awkward to Airline Crews going through a Control post , i was coming through a Control post with a colleague that speaks Punjabi , he heard two Punjabi security staff saying to each other , " lets muck these about " , he caught their eye , and they laughed and he just smiled , i asked him what the joke was , and he told me what they had just said ....:mad:...... was my reply , lets face it the only bomb that went through Heathrow and the BAA missed it ( ELAL ) , so i doubt that they would ever find a real one ......

Shell Management
16th Oct 2010, 19:52
No need to be racist. I bet neither of you reported what you claim though.

17th Oct 2010, 15:32
How exactly is that racist? It would be an equally valid post if Punjabi was replaced with German, Spanish, or any other language.
This is exactly the sort of nonsense that's got us into this situation in the first place. :ugh:

A and C
18th Oct 2010, 06:51
Strange how "airport secruity" and the "racist police" react in exactly the way, they are very agressive and react in this way to any sort of situation they dont understand.

The post about the Punjabi speaking security operative was in no way racist but the instant reaction is to try to paint someone as a racist.

These people are the small minded types who are on some sort of power trip to make up for their own short comings by using all of the small amount of the power given to them.

British Grenadier
18th Oct 2010, 19:17
Cheers for that A and C , the lad that i was with is Asian , only after i had asked him what the joke was with the Bad AAtitude security staff , he told me .... so how is that Racisit ????? := , and lets face it , it not exactly a Mensa tasked job , is it , i should know i use to do it .......

Ranger 1
20th Oct 2010, 20:38
I'm not sure if anyone can shed any light on this one, but I have been told new rules may come into force for those who work on the manoevring area, and have to access the Restricted Zones (RZ) at airports will have to be now stopped and searched before entering the RZ ?

This should be fun for the Ground ops and Bird Control teams, Fire fighters etc.

It sounds like another great idea from someone in a office far away without a clue! :ugh:

20th Oct 2010, 21:32
Ranger - I dont understand your comment? Anyone who enters an RZ must be searched....doesnt matter if you are Ground Ops, Firefighters or Bird Control Agents.

28th Oct 2010, 17:11
Slightly off thread. but I'm keen to get an email address for someone at the DfT and/or BAA who can answer a quick question about transfer passengers with sealed duty free from International to Domestic in the UK.
I can't find the information I need anywhere through YouGov, BAA or anything other websites... even though I was assured it was online for me to check.

PM is fine if required.


28th Oct 2010, 18:51
Every time i enter the Restricted Zone i go throught he whole screening process, Boots Off, Belt Off, Radio Off, Wet Weather Protection or any other Jacket for that matter Off, Swipe my Pass, (whoops) not allowed to now as i may have been suspended, Security (Gestapo) Swipe my Pass i should say, free to enter the Restricted Zone with my Fully Ladened Jet A1/Avgas Bowser.

However, we are not allowed to take with us a Bottle Filled with Orange Juice as a Refreshment during those long Hot Summer Days out on the Apron.

28th Oct 2010, 20:46
Ask the guy with the potable water wagon to fill your water bottle once in the RZ. I am assuming his many gallons of water will have been screened by security?

28th Oct 2010, 22:14

Ranger - I dont understand your comment? Anyone who enters an RZ must be searched....doesnt matter if you are Ground Ops, Firefighters or Bird Control Agents.

When you move from the "inner" taxiways to the runway(s) etc you generally move from the resticted zone to the controlled zone ... on returning from say a runway back to the stands you move from the restricted zone back into the controlled zone.

28th Oct 2010, 22:26
A tiresome procedure which helped keep the unemployment numbers down.

Shell Management
30th Oct 2010, 18:30
Any one want to say security is a waste of time now?
AQ is an active threat. Be smart. Be alert. Cooperate.

One Outsider
30th Oct 2010, 18:45
Any one want to say security is a waste of time now? Did anybody say that?

I suppose if the premise doesn't fit one can always make one's own. But you are right about the be smart bit. That's the bit we are all looking for but see little of.

Shell Management
30th Oct 2010, 18:56
Well too many pilots are so immature that they believe a bit of gold braid means they should be waved through security and that security officials are just boorish oaths that are on a par with supermarket sheld stackers.