View Full Version : I guess pilots don't care about safety??

20th Nov 2001, 05:17
Or is it that pilots just don't know what they want ? Or that they can't take 5 minutes to voice an independent opinion on the subject ?
My email survey posted on all www aviation bulletin boards in early November yielded a mere 40 replies !!
I need 10 times as many to achieve a statistically valid sample size. I would've expected to see 100s if not 1000s of replies by pilots who really do care about cockpits (or cabins)laced with guns, video cameras, control-disabling switches, etc....all forced upon them by reactionary regulators and industry think-tanks.
This MBA Graduate Research Project, if successful, gives a chance for a few hundred pilots who reply to influence policy decisions affecting their future cockpit security. To be a part of it, send an email to "[email protected]" with a subject of "send survey"....and I'll send you a 19 question email survey asking the question of the year: "What do pilots want?" [email protected]

If anyone can explain why pilots are not replying in droves, and/or if you have a suggestion for motivating more pilot replies, please post it, or send me an email.

20th Nov 2001, 06:37
I considered answering your survey myself, but was stopped by the thought that I didn't really know who the hell I was actually replying to. Granted, that your stated intentions are noble, but if you really expect us to be as concerned as your current post suggests, then we probably will need some more evidence of your bona fides.
