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View Full Version : Early CRM And The GRADE Loop

The Trappist
2nd Oct 2010, 06:57
The other day, down at the Orval, the conversation got around to CRM and reference was made to GRADE.
Unfortunately nobody could remember what it stood for…
One person come up with D=Decide and E=Evaluate.
Anyone able to fill in the blanks?

Kerling-Approsh KG
2nd Oct 2010, 07:04
Decide and Do

(If you can't remember what it stands for, you ought to get some training before you use it).

2nd Oct 2010, 07:40
I had not heard this one. And I taught CRM.

It sounds like a feedback loop...part of the decision making process.

but I will say this...it sounds dumb to me...one of those PAT little things that someone comes up with like GUMP. and GUMP only has two good things for a jet pilot!