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27th Sep 2010, 13:43
Anyone know a good place to hire a simulator with instructor to get some much needed sim time to practice for an airline assessment? I live in the south-east.

How I wish I had flown more raw data over the last 4 years!! :\ Blasted FD and A/P!! ;)

Any recent personal recommendations would be great! :ok:

Doors to Automatic
27th Sep 2010, 14:48
Try Virtual Flight Centre - best value for money option.

27th Sep 2010, 15:18
Simufly Ltd may just be cheaper? You didn't say which type!

27th Sep 2010, 16:28
737 I believe! The whole practice session must be money well spent more than the cheapest.

Lafyar Cokov
28th Sep 2010, 00:47
I used Virtual Flight Centre and they were very good - fixed base sim though, but excellent for practicing raw data.

28th Sep 2010, 09:41
Thanks all - having checked out a few sites, Virtual Flight Centre seem good value but professional. Will probably give them a try.

30th Sep 2010, 13:47
How I wish I had flown more raw data over the last 4 years!! Blasted FD and A/P!!

Not always your fault. On most occasions captains are so automatics dependant themselves they are apprehensive of flying without the crutch of a flight director/autothrottles etc. When a first officer shocks them by asking to hand fly sans automatic goodies, the captain's response is usually "not on my shift you don't".

If you wish you can PM me with your email address and I will email back with a 737 briefing sheet on the specifics that we use in my company on how to fly the 737 simulator on a typical test. The test we use is done mainly at Flap 5 and 180 knots except for the ILS. Raw data manual flying throughout.