View Full Version : Web Based Logbooks

25th Sep 2010, 21:53
At the risk of being ridiculed for not finding it in searches, I can't find any post that really teases out the pros and cons of different web based logbook tools - preferably one that goes to an iPhone app as well. (And will work with Google Android app in future.)

What is the most popular / functional, etc. in your opinion(s)?

26th Sep 2010, 03:16
Forget 'web-based' pilot log books.
Keep a hard copy, because, many times web-based 'computer' logs will simply not be accepted by some regulatory authorities.

26th Sep 2010, 16:07
many times web-based 'computer' logs will simply not be accepted by some regulatory authorities. But the printouts - properly signed - usually are. Having a copy of your computer based logbook on a remote server is probably a good idea; it is an additional backup in case your harddrive(s) crash(es) or your house is set on fire...

As for the original question, I think this (http://www.pilotlog.co.uk/) works as a web-based logbook, but I am not totally sure since I don't use it. I use a simple computer based logbook and do regular backups to a remote server.

29th Sep 2010, 16:03
The biggest downside for web logbooks is the cost in my view. circa £60 per year is not good value.

29th Sep 2010, 22:18
Just for what it is worth, above my head at this very moment, on a shelf are my three, bog standard, hand written log books.

They cover thirty six years of flying and are a kind of almanac or diary, with every hour and type flown as well as every unusual event recorded too and once you retire the log books, a few pictures, lots of memories and no money are about all you have to show for it!

I have frequently referred to mine to clarify a question or two, and browsing them can evoke some great memories.

I appreciate that the computerised log book is 'state of the art' especially if you can run it from a hand held device etc. but think hard before you abandon the hand written one, in thirty or forty years time a computer print out won't mean much.

(And some employers are not too happy if they are presented at interview stage, either).