View Full Version : Palm 505 and GPS

28th Jul 2001, 19:10
Anyone know if I can hook up a Palm 500/505 with a GPS module/adaptor? Any other useful aviation s/w you have used with your Palm? tks in advance!

30th Jul 2001, 20:23
Yes you should be able to. The Palm V has a nice clip-on GPS unit from Delorme (I think), however, I suspect this won't fit the new series, given Palm's propensity for making external case mods with each device. So you will probably be stuck with a serial interface connection to a GPS unit.
Software - take a look both at www.pilotgear.com (http://www.pilotgear.com) as well as www.gpspilot.com (http://www.gpspilot.com)

Let us know how you get on. I'm interested myself but haven't quite figured out whether to go the Palm or PocketPC route.
