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View Full Version : Aggressive ppruners

22nd Jul 2001, 22:30
What's with all the anger in our threads? Are we not enjoying flying anymore?

I'm a relatively recent regular to this forum and enjoy hearing others views on a huge variety of subjects.

I cannot understand the point in sudden attacks on people (such as the current gliding forum) when the original question was perfectly sound and inoffensive.

Outsiders must think we are all a group of psychopaths when they log onto pprune and no doubt sit back and laugh at us.

I wonder if there is a boating website where powerboat drivers take cheap stabs at sailing enthusiasts just because they haven't got an engine and are getting in the way. I doubt it.

A redirection of this anger towards the jealous b*s*a*d* who are trying to stop flying completely would be far more constructive.


Kermit 180
23rd Jul 2001, 09:28
Everyone has their own views on things, and it seems we all have different opinions on how flying should be conducted.

You are right, Toppers, our anger is much better directed at those who seek to make flying impossible for the majority of people, and those who seek to over-regulate our fine addiction.

Kermie ;)

Aussie Andy
23rd Jul 2001, 20:10
Its not that bad!?

24th Jul 2001, 02:19
Toppers, have a butchers at Jet Blast - we're pussy cats :D

New Bloke
24th Jul 2001, 03:16
Yeah but Toppers is right.

Why all the angst in the gliding thread. I think a clue could be in someone's reply, I forget who but somebody posts something like "why post this on a Wannabees forum".

This forum used to be known as the friendly place to be, I guess Wanabees was shut for a while so the rif-raf came down here. :D

24th Jul 2001, 04:07
I've ALWAYS believed that everyman has the right to his own stupid opinion.

Final 3 Greens
26th Jul 2001, 13:35
I'm not aggressive - just HIGHLY FOCUSSED!!!


Mr moto
28th Jul 2001, 02:17
It's not aggression. It's the nature of the net.
You can't tell how serious, provocative, tongue-in-cheek or naive people are. Whilst also maintaing a certain level of anonymity.

Relax, enjoy it, don't get personal.

1st Aug 2001, 11:58
Anger...the one luxury I can't afford!

1st Aug 2001, 12:11
Well I'm not wrong. Everyone else is barking mad.

(Woof Woof!)
