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26th Aug 2010, 06:07
is there a search engine in transport canada to see pilot details.

thank u.

26th Aug 2010, 14:39
What sort of pilot information are you after?

If you want to know the requirements of a pilot, then Transport has a page called "Flight Crew Licensing" with all the basic information:

Flight Crew Licensing - General Aviation - Personnel Training and Licensing - Air Transportation - Transport Canada (http://www.tc.gc.ca/eng/civilaviation/standards/general-personnel-menu-2287.htm)

Alternatively, you could read the regulations and standards of Part 4, but if you've never read a regulation or standard before, get someone to help you first, because its written in "legal speak."

Part IV - Personnel Licensing and Training - Table of Contents - Canadian Aviation Regulations (CARs) - Policy and Regulatory Services - Aviation Safety - Air Transportation - Transport Canada (http://www.tc.gc.ca/eng/civilaviation/regserv/cars/part4-menu-170.htm)
(you will want the regulation and standard referring to "Flight Crew"

If, however you are looking for a way to find out who exactly has a pilot license in Canada, sorry... you'll have no luck. I'm pretty sure (and please someone correct me if Im wrong) but thats all covered under the privicy laws. If this is the case, I'd like to know why you would want that information...:suspect:

26th Aug 2010, 16:44
Maybe someone's trying to verify the legitimacy of someone's qualifications? At the request of a job applicant, Transport Canada will provide a letter that details the currency and qualifications of a license holder. Otherwise, a potential employer cannot get such information due to the privacy laws in Canada.