View Full Version : IFR tourning during the week, competition aero's at the weekend?

13th Aug 2010, 08:48
I think I have just found the ideal aeroplane! Go anywhere IFR at 200 kts(when approved) and then carry out some aero's on approach!! You could probably fly through a thunderstorm and not break it too ;)

AOPA Online: Speed Demon (http://www.aopa.org/members/files/pilot/2010/august/feature_extra.html?WT.mc_id=100813epilot&WT.mc_sect=gan)

13th Aug 2010, 09:59
Now that is beautiful. Wish I could afford one!

13th Aug 2010, 11:52
Very nice!!!


14th Aug 2010, 07:44
If I won the lottery I'd have a hard time choosing between that and a Spitfire, unless it's a roll-over of course, in which case I could have both!

14th Aug 2010, 08:10
I would think that if you won the lottery you would buy one of the military turboprop trainers; some of them are close in performance to an early model Spitfire, but you get a properly engineered plane which doesn't need 50 man hours of workshop time after every flight :)

This E300 is just the poor man's version :)