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View Full Version : VFR/IFR flight plans

25th Jan 2002, 21:49
I admit it, I'm confused.

I just spent ages poring over the AIM to sort out what sort of flight plan I should file.

I've got PPL/IMC/night, and I'm leaving from an uncontrolled field, going to an airport in Class D. Most likely type of flying is through the clouds to get VMC on top. I want to file a flight plan as I'll be over the sea and rough terrain for much of the flight.

So, I won't be VMC all the way - I think this means I have to file IFR - correct? If so, can I fly IFR in class D with an IMC rating (ie no IR)?. . . .Finally, do I fax the flight plan to to my destination, or to the parent ATSU (Manchester in my case)?

Please help!. .Thanks

25th Jan 2002, 22:43
You can even file VFR AND IFR, just point out on the plan where you will be changing rules.

25th Jan 2002, 23:01
Yes you can fly IFR in class D airspace but you don't need to file a flight plan on the ground just for this, it can be done in the air by radio prior to entering class D airspace. However if you are flying over mountainous terrain or the sea then it is a good idea for SAR purposes. I think you file your plan with Manchester in your case. Hope this helps. <a href="http://www.ais.org.uk" target="_blank">www.ais.org.uk</a> gives full information if you need anymore

26th Jan 2002, 00:22
Thanks chaps

Foxmoth - useful to know you can file both - presumably you can then ask for an IFR clearance on arrival if the weather has deteriorated, even if you've already gone VFR.. . . .My first thought was to check <a href="http://www.ais.org.uk," target="_blank">www.ais.org.uk,</a> but unfortunately it's been down for a few days - signs of things to come from the privatised NATS?


26th Jan 2002, 03:51
Is there not a full copy of the UK AIP - including AIC's available through a link on the caa.srg website??

If so, one of the yellow AIC's will give you FULL instructions on how to complete the flight plan......and you could download the relevant approach plates for your destination and diversion.

Yes, I said "diversion".

30th Jan 2002, 01:34
Outside of controlled airspace it does not really matter. From what you have said it is mainly for SAR purposes, and the thing to ask youself is if it was not over the sea or bad terrain would you even bother ?. .Even on a VFR plan in the UK outside CAS you can change your mind and go IFR - but you must then comply with IFR as regards terrain clearance and levels to fly.. .If you then need to cross or make an IFR approach into class D just make the decison early and let the approach unit know in plenty of time to formulate a plan !!. .If you are leaving from an uncontrolled airfield remember to activate the plan either by someone on the ground (AFISO or radio operator) or by calling London Information - have the dep. time route and estimates handy. . .Fax it to the parent ATSU.

[ 29 January 2002: Message edited by: JuicyLucy ]</p>