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View Full Version : PPL(H) Flight Instructor

8th Aug 2010, 17:13
I read in a post back in 08 that EASA were going to relax the requirement for a CPL(H) to become a flight instructor. Can anyone tell me what the current position is? Seem to recall something daft like you could grt your instructor rating and instruct but you simply couldn't get paid for it? Thanks.

8th Aug 2010, 21:55
There is no requirement for a CPL(H) to be a FI(H) unless you want to be paid. The EASA proposal is that you will be able to be remunerated for instruction on a PPL(H) however to become a FI you will still have to have demonstrated CPL level knowledge. Should come into force April 2012

8th Aug 2010, 23:41
Are you aware of the current UK CAA/JAA hour and kind of flight hour requirements to start FI(H) rating training? 250hrs, 100PIC if CPL, 200PIC if PPL, if my memory serves. That means, that unless you flew a lot as PPL holder, for fun, no instruction, yes, doable. If, on the other hand are low hour 'almost CPL' who would fancy being able to work towards higher flight time and career, then, ehrm, it could be an issue.

Sure, renting R22 in the UK is cheaper than paying dual rate, but if you comply with the hours PIC required, or almost, and have CPL from the US, you could do 'training as required' for CPL issue. The biggest hurdle is the CPL/ATPL theory passed for CPL/FI rating, so, up to you. Just be aware of things.

This rule coming into force with EASA-FCL later, would help airplane flying clubs and 'hobby flight instructing' there or some hopefuls who have hours, but no cash for CPL module if needed in full, but for helicopters, due to the difference in CPL and FI rating hours needed or licence issue TT/PIC, ehrm, bit thorny way to get there.
I don't like it either, but that's the way it is now.

Anyway, why would anyone want to instruct in helicopters for free? - until being allowed, in almost 2 years' time, it's pointless trying JAA FI(H) on PPL.
Are their any low cost helicopter flying clubs in the UK?
I know of only flight schools and some of them do charter/photo ops alongside.