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View Full Version : PA28-161 Warrior III POH

Don D Cake
24th Jan 2002, 14:39
Anyone know where I can buy one in the UK?


Genghis the Engineer
24th Jan 2002, 20:13
If you've got an aircraft serial no. you can order one from Piper, I think you can do this via Transair.

If not, I managed a Warrior II POH via Amazon Zshops last year, and abebooks.com is usually a good bet.


Ex Oggie
24th Jan 2002, 22:17
You can pick them up on eBay often, and very cheaply. But remember it may not have the latest updates, nor the CAA Supplements. Depends what you want it for I guess.


Long Briefing
24th Jan 2002, 23:54
I believe the UK Dealership for New Piper is Anglo American Airmotive at Bournemouth Airport.

I'm sure they can get you a Warrior III POH.

I don't have a phone number for them but with a name like that they shouldn't be too hard to track down!

Don D Cake
25th Jan 2002, 21:11
Thanks for the tips. Transair can't get them but the extremely helpful people at Anglo American Airmotive can. No PA28 POHs on e-bay but three DC headsets for sale, I might put a bid in....

26th Jan 2002, 03:46
If you want a "serial number specific" POH, I have many dealings with the piper factory...can get you a real one (at Piper prices).

If you want a generic Warrior III book, they are easily found over here...can send you one...maybe even trade ya for a 2002 edition CAP 413 (when they come out).

Wrong Stuff
30th Jan 2002, 17:21
Gone West - FYI you can download <a href="http://www.srg.caa.co.uk/publications/cap_413_radiotelephony_manual.pdf" target="_blank">CAP413</a> from the CAA website - obviously still the old one, but presumably they'll update the link too.

Alternatively, should you prefer the proper book and Mr Cake doesn't take up your offer, give me a shout.

Don D Cake
30th Jan 2002, 17:39
A generous offer Mr West, thank you, but AAA are sending me one. They're charging me £24 which seems reasonable. Please don't tell me how much they cost in the US I'd rather not know <img src="smile.gif" border="0">

As Mr Stuff points out, CAP413 is available as a free .pdf download but at 200 pages long, you probably won't want to print it. If Mr S can help you out I suggest you contact him. If you get stuck let me know and I'll order one for you....

Too Fat to Fly
30th Jan 2002, 18:06
I suppose it's a bit late now - but you could try these guys. <a href="http://www.esscoaircraft.com" target="_blank">www.esscoaircraft.com</a>

31st Jan 2002, 08:27
Thanks for the offers guys - 'yer right that I don't want to print 200+ pages...even in A5 size.

Spoke to head of Radios at the Ministry of Aeroplanes (Gatwick) and he advises 2002 book is unlikely to hit the shelves before March.

Thanks again.

Nobody tell Don D Cake but the generic manual is around $15 (circa £10).