View Full Version : Iaa Scp9

8th Aug 2010, 13:57
The IAA are recruiting again for controllers , SCP9 , anybody know anything about it...what to expect?

They are doing a written test, then if you pass that a computerised test and then onwards to the interviews.


9th Aug 2010, 11:05
Expect a lot of people to apply :}

Seriously though, due to the current state of the economy, there will be an inordinate number of applications for this. It will probably just make the selection process more drawn out than anything else as, possibly, the majority of apllicants will be doing so just because there are no jobs out there rather than any deep routed desire to work as an ATCO. Historically it's difficult to get in anyway so nothing will change in that regard.

I wish everyone that applies the best of luck, may you come second to me :ok:

16th Aug 2010, 00:26
About 1300 odd people applied in 2007 for 24 positions (from the IAA website) so i would expect a hell of a lot more this time around!

Tough to get into but if you are interested then go for it. Worst that can happen is they say no!