View Full Version : Icao Flight Plan Filing Time Limit

28th Jul 2010, 09:58
Can any body please confirm the maximum(earliest) and minimum(latest) time limit you can file an ICAO Flt Plan in Europe.

28th Jul 2010, 11:32
For CFMU-regulated traffic (most IFRs are) it's minimum 3 hours. However exceptions happen ;)
I don't know about maximum time. As long as you put DOF/ field and it does not exceed known airways schemes (mind the AIRAC) it should be accepted.

You can do some tests at https://www.cfmu.eurocontrol.int/PUBPORTAL/gateway/spec/index.html - click "IFPUV / structured editor".

28th Jul 2010, 12:41
For local (not crossing FIRs) VFR flights you can do it 30 minutes before the flight, for IFR at least one hour (but it would probably be better to do it 2 or 3 hours for CFMU reasons).

As for maximum, I think it is 5 days, but few days ago I read that Eurocontrol is changing FPL system and they could extend it.

28th Jul 2010, 16:26
Thanks Wojtus and Flyingstone for your information. Regarding the maximum time you can file a flight plan ahead your departure, I have heard 6 days mentioned, though I could not find any publication to verify it. However 120 hrs (5 day) can be verified.