View Full Version : BBC (and me!) Wants Your Help!

19th Jul 2010, 07:39
I'm a private pilot, but also a finalist in this year's BBC Amateur Scientist of the Year competition, run by BBC Radio 4's 'Material World'.

Today (Monday, 19th July) is a big day because we've forecast that noctilucent cloud might be stronger tonight than the previous few nights owing to atmospheric effects.

Because it looks like most of the UK will be under cloud tonight, I'm politely asking aircrew to keep a look out for any noctilucent cloud they may see, and if possible (and safe) to do so, to capture an image or two. Noctilucent clouds form at 82km, and appear as bright glowing whisps on the northern and north-eastern sectors, often quite low on the horizon. We have had some excellent images from flight decks over the years.

You can find out a bit more at: BBC: Noctilucent cloud experiment | Facebook (http://www.facebook.com/BBC.cloud.experiment)

19th Jul 2010, 09:38

spectacular pictures and a good audio slideshow that the BBC put together on this! (You didn't share the URL - here it is on the BBC WWW site (http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-10635796) ).

I distributed your request on a closed mailing list also, and wish you the best of luck!


19th Jul 2010, 09:57
Thanks very much for the valued support! It seems the early morning sector will be the best time, although any time from 11pm - 3am BST (or maybe a bit later and earlier than this from altitude) might see the clouds appear. Latitudes 50-60 north are ideal.

19th Jul 2010, 10:43
They truley are spectacular.
Saw some in the early hours of Sunday to the North East.


19th Jul 2010, 17:09
I've got a few photos of those clouds that I took last year. Where would you like me to send them too?