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View Full Version : LNK the busiest air port in the world for a day

18th Jul 2010, 03:32
Led by Harrison Ford Cessana Citation air force lands at Lincoln Nebraska for special olympics. according to news Harrison Ford led Cessana owners around the US to donate their aircraft/air crew and the the fuel to bring handicapped children from around the US to national olympics in LNK. For 8 hours one air craft landed at LNK every 90 seconds. ATC had planned for it. One week from now they will come back and take all those kids home.
Harrison Ford led the parade with second aircraft to land this morning. could not got to see it due to hospital appointment. may be next week.

18th Jul 2010, 04:23
This will probably be moved to the GA forum, but thanks for the info! I think that it's great people are donating their time and machines to this great cause! :ok: