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1st Aug 2010, 17:50

in mumbai centre we were asked to mark with pen itself

and the last aviation test had one correction (q no 10) and one question was disqualified (q no 26)

Thanks, these corrections were not announced where I was.

1st Aug 2010, 17:56
When Rudy got that job it was not that he was world class pilot and he knew what Alveoli are.

jimmy buddy ... even though you might be an ace in driving many up the wall with your scathing remarks [sometimes misplaced] ...
i have to :D for above observation...
i remember the bjp press conference post manglore tragedy ..how rudy suddenly became the media darling courtesy his maverick:suspect: dissection of the events ..
bile ran up my throat as he incessantly stressed on his aviation know how which he thinks made him God's gift to indian junta..

1st Aug 2010, 18:11
@ jimmygill
"If one's dad is DGCA, JDGCA, DDGCA, CXO at 9W, It won't be hard to get that car. Trust me its blatant over here. And if one's dad were Praful Patel, it would have been the CRJ or ATR from 9W and of course with whisky on board, it will take one directly from Gondia and airdrop in Delhi."

All I can do is laugh at the above comments. If one's dad is DGCA,JDGCA, DDGCA, CXO at 9W would he need to take the written test ????

Aren't you contradicting yourself here ?? you say that corruption and malpractice are rampant in our aviation industry (to which I completely agree) and then you say that the son of JDGCA, DDGCA, CXO at 9W would still have to give the written test albeit he will be treated like royalty....

Till not long ago we kept hearing of agents who get those who are willing to pay up a big amount inducted in an airline, without the candidate having to take any kind of written test with the airline, but according to you the sons of the above mentioned people would still need to take the written test.

better get out of your creche before you write stuff similar to what you've written .

1st Aug 2010, 18:17
better get out of your creche before you write stuff similar to what you've written .

Improvise. And don't take it too hard and personal, its just a practice.

1st Aug 2010, 18:46
bile ran up my throat as he incessantly stressed on his aviation know how which he thinks made him God's gift to indian junta..

Don't worry he is not going to be the minister anytime soon, unless he defects from BJP and PP is successful in pissing off Sonia.

1st Aug 2010, 20:17
hahahahahahahhahaha all you jerks who are thinking that this jet airways test has been outsourced to TCS and will be all fair and square and no jugaad ...

you dimwits ! wake up to reality.

this is a big farce !!

first off the exam is conducted by a small little heard of outfit called CCMC (corporate comprehensive management consultants) in Andheri, Mumbai.

You need to go to that place and see the "office" they have in Nahar Amrit Shakti (Andheri) :eek: :}
it is smaller than a local pan shop or tea stall their so called bloody "registered" office.

This outfit is run by an ex-Jet Airways guy (Dr. S. Pandey).

Anyway all you dumb kids will start rattling away now, so I'd say wait and watch what happens in the next stages to follow ! :E

2nd Aug 2010, 01:47
hey guys...
here's my view on the jet written.

1. Mostly very basic questions with a few exception. I was trying to study much deeper instead of paying attention to basic details and MESSED up.
2. Mental aptitude is a norm is most of the selection processes world wide.


1. WHY only mark answers with PENCIL?????? atleast in chennai this is wat happened.

*****2*****. Why were der so many VACANT SEATS?????

this also reminds me of a previous post by someone mentioning the HR is charging money for the empty roll numbers!!!

kindly shed some light.

also any clue how many would be selected from the "written"????

2nd Aug 2010, 01:58

2. Earth is heated by
a) A. Insulation (sic)
b) some bs option
c) another bs option
d) none of the above

Those who know what is Insolation and Insulation, knows that its an ill-made question,

well as far as i know the question was how does the lower tropopause gets heated up and the answer was by long wave radiations from earth

3. If an aircraft descends to a higher altitude at constant IAS
a) M increases
b) M decreases
c) .....
d) .....

Obviously there is a mistake, but which one is mistake, 'descends' or 'higher'

this was the correction which was made in mumbai centre
actually its ASCEND
and so the mach no increases

4. Speed of sound at sea level ISA is
a) 660.7 Knots
b) 661.7 Knots
c) 662.7 Knots
d) 663.7 Knots

What the hell are they trying to evaluate...

buddy i guess this is the given value which you should know always
anyways the answer is 661.7 kts
(39 x root of (273+15)

5. Atmosphere is instable when ELR is
a) > DALR
b) = DALR
c) < DALR
d) none of above (not sure)

In order to determine Instability absolutely one needs to know ELR in relation to SALR, this is not the best way to ask this question.

to know the instability we should always compare with dalr and to know the stability we should always compare with salr

so this question is correct because if the elr lies between salr and dalr then its conditionally unstable

but if its higher then dalr then perfectly unstable

remember this is one of the factor in formation of thunder clouds

6. Aircraft generator are rated as
a) ....
b) KVA
c) KW
d) none of the above

How do KVA and KW differ?

the answer for this is kva
now whats the difference between kva and kw is i kva = 0.8 kw
well some power factor plays a role in their equation

also the question no 2 in first technicqal paper had wrong units
the question was
how much force is required to move a 10 kg object at the rate of 98m/sec^2

and in the options the units were in kgs itself
and they were
10 kg
100 kg
1000 kg
10000 kg

this question was not corrected at mumbai centre

also in one more question in the same technical paper it was said a battery has a capacity of 150 ampere/hour

thats again completely wrong because battery capacity is in ampere-hour and not ampere/hour

2nd Aug 2010, 02:32
Regarding the VACANT SEATS in some of the exam halls ...

Now, a lot of people have outright refuted what alphabravovharlie1 has written a few posts back (about HR taking money for giving out roll numbers),

Well, look at it this way.

If you or for that matter anyone else had paid up money to get a call letter, will you be frank and admit it in this forum or in front of others ?
(Im guessing a big hell NO !)

Of course not ! If I paid and passed DGCA exams, paid and got RT licence, paid and got a job or used other contacts or "JUGAD" will I go about telling others how I actually got my things done ???
Will I actually go and tell everyone that alphabravocharlie and few others are absolutely right and that what they said is gospel !??

I will just be politically correct and tell others that I passed exams by studying all night long and sleeping for an average of 2 hours daily, and that it was hard work and dedication which got me the job or RT licence or anything !

Thats about as honest as I can get.
We live in a f#cking politically correct so called "professional" world.

Just because you, me or a few of our friends got call letters just by sending across our CVs to the email of jet airways, DOES NOT MEAN, everyone got it done the same way.

or .. the other way round...

just because me and a few other candidates got call letters by paying money to HR people, DOES NOT MEAN, we would be foolish enough to tell the whole world that we paid and got things done.

2nd Aug 2010, 06:46
@Jimmy Gill

Whatever you said But that was all BS.

You cant expect a paper more easier than the one we had.

Seriously if you can remove nooks in this paper than you can in any paper because I suppose your motive is to do the thing and just blindly post it on PPRune.:ugh:

That was one of the easiest paper every1 could get. And you say that the way of asking question was not proper. Now should we give options like the game show, DO 50-50, take audience vote, or fone a friend.. :D

2nd Aug 2010, 06:57

Thanks for the KVA and KW information.

anyways the answer is 661.7 kts
(39 x root of (273+15)

1. 273.15K = 0 deg c
2. 39 is not exactly 39, nature doesn't have a preference for whole numbers..

2nd Aug 2010, 07:52
1. 273.15K = 0 deg c
2. 39 is not exactly 39, nature doesn't have a preference for whole numbers..

well its 273+15 and not 273.15

+15*C is temp at mean sea level

and this is how we calculate and get the answer 661.8

anyways we even need no calculation for it as its a fixed value

2nd Aug 2010, 08:14
What I meant was
0 deg C = 273.15 Kelvin
hence 15 deg c = 288.15 K

We didn't inherit the speed of sound from tablets buried in the pyramids of Egypt. People like me and you measured and calculated them.

2nd Aug 2010, 08:21
We didn't inherit the speed of sound from tablets buried in the pyramids of Egypt. People like me and you measured and calculated them.

2nd Aug 2010, 08:22
You cant expect a paper more easier than the one we had.

Seriously if you can remove nooks in this paper than you can in any paper because I suppose your motive is to do the thing and just blindly post it on PPRuNe.

That was one of the easiest paper every1 could get. And you say that the way of asking question was not proper. Now should we give options like the game show, DO 50-50, take audience vote, or fone a friend..

My friend easiness of an exam has nothing to do with its quality. I didn't contend if the paper was easy or not, I only pointed out questions which had bad language or wrong concept.

Yes most testing organisations before standardizing language do take an audience poll.

If you ask a question, where do humans live
1. Earth
2. Third planet from the sun
3. Africa
4. None of the above

Thats a bad question. I don't care how easy one may find it.
If teaching is difficult creating an exam is even more difficult.

2nd Aug 2010, 08:25
The formula for local speed of sound is

LSS = 38.94 √(273 + 15)

which is 660.83

2nd Aug 2010, 09:19
Ok .. some questions Im sure everyone would like an answer to ...

1. Why on earth did they not do an identity check !!??? :mad:
How do they know if roll no. XXXX is indeed me and not someone else ?

2. What were those 2 passport sized photographs for anyway ?

3. Quick calculations. Roughly 2000 candidates totally. 5 papers.
Which means totally 10,000 answer sheets to be evaluated and totalled.
OMR sheets have not been used which means the counting and totalling would be done manually.
How many of you here are thinking that they are going to do the totalling of marks accurately ? or for that matter are they going to even bother going through 10,000+ answer sheets one by one and prepare an honest merit list ? (lets not kid ourselves into thinking that)

4. In all the exam centers, a few guys left the exam hall AFTER the lunch break. No points for guessing why.
(Hint : We had to sign an attendance sheet ONLY in the first session ie before the lunch break .. not after ! )

2nd Aug 2010, 09:22
The formula for local speed of sound is

LSS = 38.94 √(273 + 15)

which is 660.83

buddy are u sure
wells o the answer is 660.7

wow thats cool

because i wrote that answer but when i calculated i found out to be 661.8


sorry buddy, my bad (but good for me)
the answer is 660.7
however the formula remains the same
but yes u were correct in those exact values which i did not knew

On The ILS
2nd Aug 2010, 09:45
hey guys...
here's my view on the jet written.

1. Mostly very basic questions with a few exception. I was trying to study much deeper instead of paying attention to basic details and MESSED up.
2. Mental aptitude is a norm is most of the selection processes world wide.@pilot2612

hey buddy.....oh god this was easiest paper i have seen in a long long time......like in cricket we were expecting a fast bouncer and it turned out to be a slower ball which caught us.......i also studied deeper and irrelevant things instead of taking note of some basic things.....its all coz of our mindset before the exam....we were thinking too much n in panic messed up.....
n yess mental aptitude is fast catching on in india....have a few other friends from different fields n they also undergo mental apti test....anyways hopefull of a call buddy...??

2ndly those issues r rightly brought up by u but seriously speaking no knows y.....i m still hoping for a fair selection procedure.....reading the other posts is not giving me any confidence....

3rdly i have heard all sorts of things of the number of people getting shortlisted....ranging from 300-500 but not sure about....... any one having any CONFIRMED news???

N guys when do we expect the calls for the next round.....in other words when do we start checking our mailbox after every hour?????:):):)

On The ILS
2nd Aug 2010, 09:52
1. Why on earth did they not do an identity check !!??? http://images.ibsrv.net/ibsrv/res/src:www.pprune.org/get/images/smilies/censored.gif
How do they know if roll no. XXXX is indeed me and not someone else ?

2. What were those 2 passport sized photographs for anyway ?

3. Quick calculations. Roughly 2000 candidates totally. 5 papers.
Which means totally 10,000 answer sheets to be evaluated and totalled.
OMR sheets have not been used which means the counting and totalling would be done manually.
How many of you here are thinking that they are going to do the totalling of marks accurately ? or for that matter are they going to even bother going through 10,000+ answer sheets one by one and prepare an honest merit list ? (lets not kid ourselves into thinking that)

4. In all the exam centers, a few guys left the exam hall AFTER the lunch break. No points for guessing why.
(Hint : We had to sign an attendance sheet ONLY in the first session ie before the lunch break .. not after ! )

Rightly pointed out Shanx.....:D:D!!!!! Inspite of all this and hearing all sorts of things n reading the posts here I STILL AM HOPING for a FAIR & GENUINE selection process......maybe the desperation to get a job is making me build that if u may say FALSE hope:ugh:.......Plzz God Plzz let there be Sanity in the proceedings....!!!!:rolleyes:

2nd Aug 2010, 10:12
1. Why on earth did they not do an identity check !!???
How do they know if roll no. XXXX is indeed me and not someone else ?

at mumbai centre in my classroom atleast the invigilator matched the faces of our cpl with us in real

i really dont understand why different standards everywhere

by the way there were 907 students in mumbai (as per the roll nos)

in delhi my friend said that they had last roll no somewhere around 925

what was the scene in chennai??

and were there only 3 centres in all

On The ILS
2nd Aug 2010, 10:24
and were there only 3 centres in all


i guess there was kolkata also.....they conducted in 4 metropolitans.....!!!

2nd Aug 2010, 10:43
Chennai : 225 candidates

2nd Aug 2010, 10:45
I have not yet come across anyone who had given the exam in Kolkata or heard of any roll no. of 4XXX series.

2nd Aug 2010, 11:32
The formula for local speed of sound is

LSS = 38.94 √(273 + 15)

which is 660.83

Formula is better

LSS at ISA SL = 38.94 √(273.15 + 15) = 661.06 Knots
ICAO atmospheric tables have the value 661 Knots.
NASA in one of thier websites has 661.7 Knots

My question remains what were they trying to evaluate? And why were they adamant that the value will end in .7

On The ILS
2nd Aug 2010, 11:50
I have not yet come across anyone who had given the exam in Kolkata or heard of any roll no. of 4XXX series

shanx i also haven't heard...but yesterday at the centre there was a speculation that kolkata mite also have been a centre for the east region....otherwise people in the east would have to go all the way to delhi for the exam which is quite Inconvenient....!!!!

2nd Aug 2010, 14:47
Guys, i am sry i dnt think wht i am saying is relevant in this thread. but i have got serious doubts and i hope u people would help me out. I have RTR (P) and is nearing its expiration date. I have to renew it. but i am still not sure if i need to appear for the sick WPC exams Part I or both Part I and Part II.

also i have heard that if one has 30 hours before 3years of applying for the RTR renewal then one can renew it directly by just paying up the fees listed. but still there is no assurance and as usual the WPC website doesnt open up half of the times.

I am really confused. Please help me out with the procedure.

Thanks a ton in advance.

2nd Aug 2010, 15:06
If you really need help at least tell whats your predicament, and it is necessary to know where you got your CPL from, I guess Phillippines.

On The ILS
2nd Aug 2010, 15:50
Guys, i am sry i dnt think wht i am saying is relevant in this thread. but i have got serious doubts and i hope u people would help me out. I have RTR (P) and is nearing its expiration date. I have to renew it. but i am still not sure if i need to appear for the sick WPC exams Part I or both Part I and Part II.

@ prayingdamsel

no idea on this 1 but u cud get more positive responses if u post here-


this thread is abt RT...or else start a new thread for the same....tc....!!!!

2nd Aug 2010, 16:00
@On The ILS there was no center in kolkata ..my friend came all the way from kolkata for the exam.....

On The ILS
2nd Aug 2010, 16:08
@On The ILS there was no center in kolkata ..my friend came all the way from kolkata for the exam.....


ohhhh is it.....my god thats too bad....quite unfair for the guys in the east......!!!! thanx for the info buddy and clearing a speculation in our mind...!!!!!:D

2nd Aug 2010, 16:20
Yes of course there will be opportunity. The HR people have been telling this over phone for past one week or so. There will be another session, and in this session they will not send roll numbers to those who failed (aahh... are going to fail) in the 1st August session. This will be soon.

2nd Aug 2010, 16:22
@jimmygill- nopes i did it from New Zealand, even while the initial issue of RTR i did not appear for ne exams.

@on the ILS- thanks buddy:)

2nd Aug 2010, 16:36
@jimmygill- nopes i did it from New Zealand, even while the initial issue of RTR i did not appear for ne exams.

Any more information about currency of your licenses?

2nd Aug 2010, 17:04

Well, as far as teh currency of FRTOL goes- its till 2013
and the RTR(P) is gonna get lapsed in the early next year.

U need to know nething else?

Thanks for the interest! :)

2nd Aug 2010, 17:27
Yes need more information

1. How long is NZ RTR valid?
2. How long is NZ cpl valid?
3. How long is Indian CPL valid?

Let be me myself, thanks for the opportunity for the detective work to figure out your 'predicament'.

If you need help, you must supply as much information as possible, most people are willing, but without relevant information they cannot do much.

2nd Aug 2010, 17:41
@ jimmy gill- NZ rt is valid till the NZ cpl lasts, like its for lifetime as long as the medicals are current which can be renewed here easily.

@On The ILS- Buddy we did call up at sanchar bhavan where the person incharge just yells at you saying "Pilot Bane Ho, Itna bhi nahi pata!" I have no clue if being a pilot requires u to know everything stated in the DGCA norms that too without an operational website that has its own days of showing up and going off! you have to be lucky enuf to catch it while its operating!

So basically heard that you need some 30 hours valid in the last three years when u apply for the RTR thingi. but then there are spectaculations that if suppose my RTR is getting lapsed in 2nd January 2011 then i should have the 30th hour exactly at 1st Jan 2008! its just tooooo confusing! i dont wanna sit for the stupid WPC exams:ugh::=

2nd Aug 2010, 17:45
@jimmygill- yea please excuse me for it. Just too tensed abt things.

But yea ma Nz CPL and RT are valid throughout as long as i keep ma medicals current which can be done easily in here itself

Indian CPL is till 2013.

I m sorry for the trouble its causing you but highly appreciate ur efforts! Thanks Buddy:)

2nd Aug 2010, 17:47
Guys what was the correct answer for the 737 NG question?

All the options had 737-500 in it and it doesn't qualify for NG

2nd Aug 2010, 17:48
@ON The ILS- tried talking to the sanchar bhavan people on phne buddy, the answer was "Pilot Bane Ho, Itna Bhi Nhai pata!" now how on earth are u to know things when the website is hardly operational and even the Concerned authorities answers in such a way, But if i get any notices and further enlightment on the subject i ll keep u posted.

P.S.- just spoke to a person in here, he told me that i can fill up a form and get the direct conversion done as i dint give exam for the inital issue as well. Lets hope for the best!:)

2nd Aug 2010, 17:49
I remember one of the options did have 600/700/800/900

2nd Aug 2010, 17:55
"Pilot Bane Ho, Itna Bhi Nhai pata!"

That was a nice response.

Since the validity of your licenses is in the same state as on the day of initial application, you can repeat the same process and get another 3 or 5 or 20 years of validity.

Looking at your level of concern I thought you coauld be having a Phillippines CPL which is usually valid for 1 year and consequently the RTR(p) also valid for lesser duration.

2nd Aug 2010, 18:23

Yeah i heard it from someone else also that i need to just fill up a form on the wpc website (if it is operational in the near future:ugh:)

So will keep u posted seeing the amount of help u gave me :) thanks a ton :)

2nd Aug 2010, 19:20

I understand you're the damsel in distress here, but .. it would be really nice if you post stuff related to RT in the right thread !

.. or create a new one.

It would help someone else who might be facing a similar predicament like

P.S : A small bit of advice. If you have time in your hands, I'd highly recommend you try to clear both part 1 and 2 exams of Indian RTR(A) by hook or crook (:})
As long as you have an RTR(P) or RTR(C) and are NOT employed by an airline, you will always have problems and headaches.

On The ILS
2nd Aug 2010, 19:22
@ON The ILS- tried talking to the sanchar bhavan people on phne buddy, the answer was "Pilot Bane Ho, Itna Bhi Nhai pata!" now how on earth are u to know things when the website is hardly operational and even the Concerned authorities answers in such a way, But if i get any notices and further enlightment on the subject i ll keep u posted.

P.S.- just spoke to a person in here, he told me that i can fill up a form and get the direct conversion done as i dint give exam for the inital issue as well. Lets hope for the best!


my god...that reply was so rude.....yeh government employees ka kuch nahi ho sakta....reminds me of that comedy serial "office office" they use to show on tv....it was true to the core......n yaa u r rite how the hell u r suppose to know when their FANTASTIC website is operational once a year(m not sure about that too)!!!!

anyways good u got to know the procedure n really gr8 that u don't have give that torture exam.....!!! so do the needful for the renewal ASAP!!! n ya surely keep me posted....okiez thn....tc...!!!!:)

On The ILS
2nd Aug 2010, 19:31
Yes of course there will be opportunity. The HR people have been telling this over phone for past one week or so. There will be another session, and in this session they will not send roll numbers to those who failed (aahh... are going to fail) in the 1st August session. This will be soon.

this then puts an end to the speculation in sum earlier posts that they will be short listing 150-200 or maybe even more candidates in this recruitment n then training them in batches as n when required....!!!!

2nd Aug 2010, 21:01
@on the ils
yeah bro.. seriously hoping they evaluate properly. good luck bro..
no news on the result date.
the invigilator we had is from jet licensing chennai and he told us tht the total number is 2500 and mentioned tht less than 10% will be selected for the 1st round. and finally about 40 in 2 batches. thts wat he said. again.. im not sure how far is his info accurate or he has also heard rumours!!

chennai turn out was 200 or so.. although there were 9 NINE people missing in my room of 50!!!!!

dude... i still dun get your point bout ppl with "jugaad" not mentioning tht they went thru it... i mean wat made you point tht known fact????
i was jsut wondering y there were empty seats???
YOU PAID OR NOT... YOU WILL STILL WANNA SIT FOR IT NA?? you wnt pay for it and not go!!!

Also.. i truly agree dude...why 2 photographs!!!
Y pencil?? chennai they asked me to mark with pencil in the middle of my 2nd paper.
here.. they did ask us to show tem our CPL with the letter and they did cross check the names and the photograph since we were standing right infront of them!!
I UNFORTUNATELY also AGREE to your rough calculations on the paper checking part!! i doubt they would go thru all the papers.. but again... like ON THE ILS mentioned... lets hope!
DUDe!!!! ARE YOU SERIOUS?? did ppl actually not turn up after the break??? HOLY ****ES!

any other news/updates???


3rd Aug 2010, 03:23
Ok, some calculations and a bit of speculation ...

Total number of candidates = 2500 (as mentioned by Pilot2612 and Jet Airways employee)

No. of papers = 5

Therefore total no. of answer sheets to evaluate = 12,500

Also, assume each answer sheet takes 5 minutes to evaluate and total.

Therefore total time to go through 12,500 answer sheets = 12,500X5 = 60,000 Minutes = 1000 Hours

Let's say 10 persons are hired for this counting and totalling job.

Therefore each person works for : 1000/10 = 100 hours

Assuming each person works for 10 hours daily ... The number of days each person will take to do his/her job = 100/10 = 10 days.

Throw in a weekend (you dont expect these bugg@rs to do this monotonous job during weekends)

Hence 12 days to declare results.

The following are the assumptions :

1. 10 persons are employed to do the counting and totalling of marks.
2. They can count and do basic arithmetic and not make errors.
3. Each one puts in 10 hours of work excluding lunch and coffee breaks.
4. They are honest about the whole thing.

Hence the important question again. When such a huge number of answer sheets are to be evaluated and with good accuracy, why were OMR sheets not used instead of manual counting and tallying of marks ??

3rd Aug 2010, 04:28
Just my view:

I think they're using those correction sheets which have got the right answers punched as a hole into them. So the total questions marked - the one's you've got right gives you the negative marks and the number of answers you got right added to it gives you the total score on a paper. Its a very easy process and doesn't take long. So in short they would be spending only like 10-12 mins on a candidate.

3rd Aug 2010, 04:31
hmm even i guess so
and that might be the possible reason why they asked us to put a cross in the circle and not to darken it

3rd Aug 2010, 04:48
To me the oprganisers appeared to be technically as crippled as chimps, stencils may be beyond their imagnination.

And on further thought a single stencil cannot be used to determine number of wrong wrong answers as well as number of right answers. Thing becomes mor complicated with the box folding questions which had multiple acceptable answers.

So its going to be a manual affair, if at all.

flapless wings
3rd Aug 2010, 13:32
I heard from a freind that their criteria is MAT the so called reasoning and even in that if you score too high and too low you are out of the game ..they require average intelligent person.

Any comments.

Safe Landings and Blue Skies

3rd Aug 2010, 13:36
Tell your friend he is of average intelligence.

3rd Aug 2010, 14:01
I'm not too sure if people are aware how the Civil Services' exams are evaluated. They pull out the answer scripts for 1 of the many exams attempted and check them, on the basis of which candidates are eliminated. Then move on to the next test to further downsize the number.
For instance, out of the 5 exams we appeared for, they would choose 1 particular test and evaluate the same for everyone with a bench-mark set. Eliminate the people who don't qualify and then start afresh with the next paper. This process quite obviously cuts down on a lot of time.
Of course this is just a speculation and no one knows for sure how they would go about it.

3rd Aug 2010, 14:16
@flapless wings

why on earth would the examiners disqualify people for scoring more in those reasoning tests!:confused:

Why wouldnt they utilise the so called intelligence of folding boxes in an imginery 3D environment! agrr! whteva those tests were i am not too sure many would make it all thanks to the negative 1mark in that boxes test!

3rd Aug 2010, 15:15
jimmygill for replyn an appreciated for the questions u hav put
bh.. if smebdy wants to tlk to HR,
does he/she can call to there registerd office in mumbai.

flapless wings
4th Aug 2010, 08:26

Well for your info..Once you were not even in Jelly form my freind was in uniform and used to fly these fighters of IAF.He was the member of Service Selection board to select Fighter Pilots.

Blue Skies

Ps Next Time Please mind your Lingo.

4th Aug 2010, 08:48
Well for your info..Once you were not even in Jelly form my freind was in uniform and used to fly these fighters of IAF.He was the member of Service Selection board to select Fighter Pilots.

Thank you very much, this quietly explains why the services are so full of half-wits, because they select people of no more than average intelligence, and those who are more outstanding from those of the average intelligence get to man the SSB.

May be he had been trying his skills of subtle politeness to remind you that you stand good chance with 9W for being of average intelligence.


flapless wings
4th Aug 2010, 09:20
Thats what they need Jimmy average intelligent person who can be trained to fly at Mach 3.

Not an engineer who thinks thrice before ejecting.

4th Aug 2010, 09:26
Why would you be so generous with engineers, in regards to their intelligence.

Mach 3!! how do they fly a razor.

At the age of 12, his IQ was deemed high enough to join Mensa International. Guess who?

4th Aug 2010, 10:32
I cant resist myself commenting on this.


I totally agree with you that they select average intelligent person but they look for 16 other officer like qualities which makes them different from others such as intiative,confidence..etc


I know few of those so called halfwits getting calls from NASA one of is my friends father.He is a test pilot with Army Aviation.

One of the famous person our honoured ex president of India APJ Kalam couldnt clear his SSB.He appeared in Air Force Selection Board in Dehradun.

And SERVICE SELECTION BOARD is a very streamlined process of selecting people consists of various test PABT(Pilot Apptitude Battery Test),Pshycological tests,Group Tasks ,Interviews lasting 4 to5 days.


dileep anne
4th Aug 2010, 10:39
I suggest to every one in this thread to keep the discussion informative regarding the topic...It's of no use to keep debating on such issues

4th Aug 2010, 10:47
I know few of those so called halfwits getting calls from NASA one of is my friends father

During the cold war or after it was past?

@dileep anne

I was just tagging nonsense, lest it should be confused with the thread matter, a difficult task indeed to sift.

4th Aug 2010, 11:17
@flapless wings,

Once you were not even in Jelly form my freind was in uniform and used to fly these fighters of IAF

Good for him!

Thats what they need Jimmy average intelligent person who can be trained to fly at Mach 3

So essentially your friend is suggesting that the criteria of "AVERAGE" Intelligence is paramount, be it flying a Supersonic Foxbat for the IAF or a subsonic medium range Passenger airliner a la the B738! :mad:

God save us!:yuk:

4th Aug 2010, 11:32
otherwise don't post litter on this thread.

Sorry darling, it looked like a litter box to me.

4th Aug 2010, 14:59
some unexpected(or u may call UNWANTED) Wind Shear made us DRIFT from our Track in this thread ....so applying a Huge WCA lets try to get back on Track....!!!!:):)

Guys any news on the results of the jet air exam??????:rolleyes:

5th Aug 2010, 09:21
Results will be out on Monday probably ..and those who clear, their GD is on the 16th.

Thanx a lot for the info piper!!!!! :ok::):D

5th Aug 2010, 09:41
guys i just called up jet n spoke to a lady there. dint get a gr8 response from herhttp://images.ibsrv.net/ibsrv/res/src:www.pprune.org/get/images/smilies/bah.gif as she told me that result is in process and will be out soon so i shld keep checking my mail.:ugh:

anyone else happen to speak to the HR?? or can confirm piper's news??

5th Aug 2010, 11:35
hahaha, the posts to this thread are hilarious!

Try reading all at one go, 25 well spent minutes:D

Arm is Strong
5th Aug 2010, 17:21
Results will be out on Monday probably ..and those who clear, their GD is on the 16th.

How sure you are about that,mate?Did you spoke to any1 in jet???please do let us know...

5th Aug 2010, 17:39
I am quite sure about it although nothing confirmed. A friend of mine got this info from someone in the HR department.

5th Aug 2010, 19:28
A friend of mine , got a call from HR on thursday saying that he has cleared , but he will me mailed the same with further details next week...

5th Aug 2010, 20:07
If its out then they will send emails to successful candidates...but i was bit curious to know that how you came to know as by going through earlier post's of today...you haven't posted this earlier in this thread.So both CCMC or Jet doing night shifts just to let few privilege people know about the outcome of test that too at this time?