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19th Feb 2002, 21:19
As a fledgling PPLer (doing theory at the moment) I recently finished Air Law and have been revising – this has made me realise just how much information there is to consume and to be honest it's a bit disheartening sometimes thinking "how the hell and i going to remember all this and fly a plane and navigate and do radio calls?!?"

Is there anyone who has their PPL who went through this experience? I’m hoping it’s like anything new you learn, initially it’s hard but it does get easier...

To be fair I found Met much more interesting and I’m looking forward to navigation so I’m not too disheartened! <img src="smile.gif" border="0">

Aussie Andy
19th Feb 2002, 21:23
Air LAw is hardest - get i tout of the way first. It gets easier after that.

Buy the Confuser if you don't have it.

. .Andy

19th Feb 2002, 22:08
From a practical point of view, it's worthwhile spliting the information into that which you will need when the engine is running (e.g. signal lights/overtaking rules etc.), and that which is mainly needed in flight planning (e.g. Weather & License Minima/What documents an aircraft must carry etc.)

I, like most student pilots, found Air Law one of the more dificult subject to learn. My sucess in the exam came through :. .i) Self Testing, using the Confuser. .ii) Imagining how I would use the information - creating situations in my mind. . .iii) Studying the information over and over again.. .iv) Imagining the consequences of not learning the material - court appearance, body bag etc.

Stick with it, it will begin to stay in your mind after a while.

19th Feb 2002, 23:43
I was told that airlaw wasn't the hardest of subjects, just the most blandest of them all.

At least with Met or Nav etc there's a lot more interaction with those.

Took me ages to remember when the Chicago Convention was, I kept falling asleep when reading about it

19th Feb 2002, 23:45
LOL - someone else who has started the dreaded Air Law. I have my exam in two weeks having just done the Human Performance today so I'm just going to blitz it for 2 hours each night and do what tacpot said.

I think the important thing is to understand what the books are saying rather than just study to pass the exam.

Good luck, feel free to e-mail me if it's any use if you need some encouragement.

20th Feb 2002, 00:16
Air Law is without doubt the most turgid and boring, except that you have to know some of this stuff very well - and some you can forget the next day cos you'll never need it.

I used the "pickle" method to pass mine - took the book to Mallorca, sat under an umbrella while the family cavorted in the sea/pool, and drank a jug of Sangria while reading and re-reading the book. Two weeks of that, flew home on the Sunday, took the exam on the Monday morning, and forgot most of it by Tuesday (when I'd sobered up?)

Then re-learned the bits I really need when I realised I really needed them!

20th Feb 2002, 01:13
If you think thats boring, I've just done my ATPL law and about to do Ops procedure. Both very dull but useful. When I did my PPL, it was in the States and it was a case of learning the confuser and that was it! Its amazing though how much you pick up, even more so that you remember all the useless info and struggle with the good stuff, but it all comes good in the end. Lets see, the convention of 1944, all the allied powers making the rules (English as the language) :) .It explains why the French are so upset, could the even attend? Still, they got their way from GMT to ZULU to their UTC. Any thoughts??? <img src="rolleyes.gif" border="0">